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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. Shankland / Nesbit and others have to score goals , provide assists in the Premiership Hornby has to play first team football ( fingers crossed ) Griffiths has to get fit Forest in if fit
  2. Beat me to it Get him in the next squad ! March ?
  3. You are thinking of two defenders not that near our goal
  4. Hull is the city of culture some year Reported for anti - Hullism
  5. Interesting Evans won the European Cup with Aston Villa but still managed to mess up for us Had Archibad won the Spanish League with Barcelona ? He did not do much for us either You have to remember against the Soviet Union we were one nil up but , one midfielder especially , allowed them to walk the ball into our net for the equaliser
  6. Anyone on receiving of tackles by S##n#ss , Roberts , MacPherson etc
  7. Not sure about the latter Was it hero Doddsie that corrected him ? or Michael
  8. Is Gauld as quick as Fraser ?
  9. With regards to our formation someone on Sportsound ( I know ) said that with Killie SSC nearly always played a back four and I think he reverted to this in the latter stages of the last two games but without any real wingers , eg a fit Forrest , so we were still struggling Burke in the end was not a success
  10. Shut up Dryhorse ! Mubtumbo Nobody will want to know the usurpers so no club mentality Simples
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