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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. There was an article in " The Scotsman " a while back , perhaps with regards to Derek Riordan , saying that ( Scottish ) players purchased by the sisters had to learn to cope with the pressure of winning every game !
  2. Cool Get him to change which country McCann wants to play for
  3. He's never been man of the match according to the Italian press. He's been 5.5 or 6/10 for nearly all his matches. wrong press !
  4. Eat your hearts out Willie Miller and ... H#ns#n
  5. Is south Ayrshire in Dumfries and Galloway ? Are there two levels of local government ?
  6. There was an article that suggested his biggest regret was that it was not Willie Miller ( allegedly )
  7. Don't worry the *** Christmas advert will be along just as soon as they secure the rights to use footage from the Nuremberg rallies. They could just use Tramp and the Pr od boys , whatever
  8. There is now a YT clip devoted to John Greig's performance against Borrusia M. from the early 70s

    1. The_Kincardine


      Thanks for that, mate.  I was at Ibrox that night and it was bittersweet.  The damage was done in Germany and we had to be more open than usual and it didn't come off.

      Greig was immense, though, and a much better player than even some Rangers fans give him credit for.

  9. Hickey with an assist to the assist for the winning goal !
  10. A very soft penalty , but very brilliant Burke !
  11. We can handle the truth but the substitutions suggest he was not to blame
  12. Sorry , who is James Scott ? Mubtumbo Tartan Tammy ?
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