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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Would you like all 3? You need only turn up with a 1 legged Goodwillie
  2. What’s Alex Smith up to? The best football we’ve played in the last about 6 years has been his interim periods
  3. Not going to dwell on m and m - it’s all been said before by me and pretty much everyone else now. What I will say is I bet the post match interview includes sentences such as “we were off it”. No we weren’t. We’ve played at exactly the same level for the last 9 games or so, maybe even before that. We get out of jail v dross like forfar because they refuse to attack and basically accept defeat before we start. It’s usually some crap goal in a terrible 1 or 2 nil win. When We don’t get that goal we don’t win. Flying under the radar however is an utterly derisible “team” of players. If anything summed them up it’s giving the ball to a “striker” who needs a confidence boost, when Morrison hasn’t missed a pen all season. A crucial point of the season where if we’d scored we may well have seen the game out and been sitting fairly pretty in the league. A team where not a single one of them really cares about anything but themselves. Zero togetherness or common purpose. Maybe this has to come from the managers but atm I’m just as fucked off with the players as the duo in the dugout. Not even sure where we go from here, constructively, but something big must change. Throwing kids on is no longer a gamble - the “old heads” have completely lost the plot. I’d be playing deveney Neilson and mclelland every single minute til the end of the season. Maybe just tell them all to can the cautious “system” we’ve been playing - let’s just go gung ho, attack attack attack every minute. Have the wingbacks playing on the front foot every time they get the chance. We have enough firepower to win more than we lose if we play that way in the coming weeks. Alston Morrison Telfer - goals there for sure.
  4. Our club is basically hanging by a thread imo. I know it’s an online forum but let’s not scrap amongst ourselves now too
  5. Don’t disagree, if season hadn’t been paused these 2 would’ve been emptied by late jan. We won’t sack them if we go up (fantasy land for those who think deans has the balls to do something like that) but I anticipate them being firmly shown up within the first month or 2 in the champ, then we can empty. I’d rather we didn’t have to wait for that eventuality but I’m a realist
  6. Pretty nervous for tomorrow night. A total shitshow of a season that’s been hard to get into but imo we have a real chance of “getting away with it” this season. Draw or lose tomorrow and I’m certain we’ll bottle it. Win and I think we may scrape home. The stakes if we don’t dont bear thinking about it. Stuck down here for another year with a rejuvenated Partick. Please no. Biggest game in a while tomorrow
  7. Genuinely think that was a performance of a team who simply had not been told what to do with the ball once they got it. M&M shit scared all week, drilled into them how to defend this that and the next thing that would come their way. In isolation, that result was ok. But I think it was a clear indication of how far out of their depth they are. Imo M&M literally forgot to prepare what to do once their team got the ball. Incredible. Airdrie on Tuesday is probably our biggest game in 2 years. I’m placing it above raith away last season. Fail to win and we’re staying down imo
  8. New social media person has been a complete arse since start of season. Think they’re either an arse cheeks fan or English. They don’t understand pandering to ugly sisters fans makes most falkirk fans feel physically sick. Me included. Fucking raging.
  9. Arsenal v Liverpool at 8 was a great find for this Saturday morning, won’t have to endure this now.
  10. I am extremely confident Robbie Leitch is going to start this game
  11. It’s just rubbish like this that is taking the piss. We weren’t “off our levels”. We don’t have any levels. We played the same if not better than we did v forfar, but weren’t gifted 2 goals. The players must know how out of their depth they are
  12. It can’t be worse than the nauseating Rangers love in we endured from them back in November when we didn’t lay a glove on them for 90 mins. All the “we can learn so much from how they play”. What the f**k was that then? There was a time 3 or 4 years ago in the leagu where we took as many points off them as they took off us 2 years running, deservedly so. Now our players and managers are starstruck even sharing a pitch and dugout with them.
  13. It’s just the lack of tactics and coaching for me. I quite like them as people. I bet the players do. Our fitness isn’t horrendous. It isn’t a shockingly bad squad (it should be enough to win the league). I don’t think they’re bad motivators. But we just do not have any tactics and as a team they have no clue what they are trying to achieve. Any competent manager would be getting a tune out of them, particularly going forward. Selections are nothing short of diabolical. G Miller should probs not play again this season, neither should Leitch. Neilson looks good but goal aside I think fotheringham looks like a lost boy. We were all pinning our hopes on Keena returning. I’m not sure he’s had a single chance against the 2 worst teams in the league. The warning signs were all there v Forfar, we don’t CREATE anything. But manager came out post game and said it was a wonderful performance. Give me a fucking break. Heard less delusional pish from McKinnon. rant over
  14. Might sound harsh but this is the exact moment I knew he would contribute basically nothing positive to our club. It was like watching an u13 on their weak foot on a Saturday morning. FullSizeRender.mov
  15. Always wary of the “we are dire, 4-0 falkirk victory” posts on here. But dumbarton fans said it last time we played them and they really were dire. SHOULD be a comfortable win
  16. Let’s not forget Holt. Manager there 4 months ago ffs. Doesn’t bode well at all for me that McCall was able to outmaneuver the 2 of them in getting tiffoney.
  17. A lot has to go “right” for the league to get to 22. Really only 1 thing has to go “wrong” for it to be 18. With every passing day tho the chances of 22 do increase
  18. If the season ends at 18 games (lots of league 1 clubs in Scottish cup hat makes it even more of a possibility) I’m going to stick my neck out and say all we actually need to do is beat dumbarton and we’re there. Would give us 30 points and a much better GD than anyone else. Cove would need 10 points from 5 games (definitely doable but everyone’s taking points off everyone else). Partick would need 4 wins out of 6. Again doable but have they showed anything like that form yet? Could be unassailable soon enough.
  19. Christ that goal would’ve topped Blair’s at dumbarton. What a weapon it is. How did Francis miss the follow up? Pathetic
  20. First time we stay calm and try and play more than 3 passes and we suddenly find ourselves in a decent position, and score. Shite goalkeeping.
  21. Why? We’re playing a young, hungry right back with a great engine in him in a game where width and attacking wingbacks will be a crucial against a team playing 10 men behind the ball. Oh wait no, we’ve got Gary Miller. Ffs
  22. Not sure where this talk of Forfar being utterly atrocious has come from. We struggled terribly to break them down at TFS and they went away with a deserved point. Dumbarton, Clyde and Peterhead have been streets behind them
  23. I’d rather sign literally any boyhood dunfermline fan than some Aird type sectarian sycophant. Even then I basically don’t care.
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