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Everything posted by qpfc

  1. How good is Jamieson. Been outstanding this season, you can see how much more comfortable the defence was with him back from injury. Him and Grant could form a fairly formidable partnership if they stay injury free
  2. Smashing win today and about time we got a result against Cowdenbeath. Once again Willie Muir has saved us at the death. Get him signed as soon as possible for next season! Gutted to see Slater pull his hamstring as he looked the part in short appearance. Hopefully it’s not too serious although it didn’t look great I must say. All the new players played well, especially MacLean who I really think is going to be a star player for us, with 2 man of the match performances in 2 games. Extremely quick and direct which is something we’re not blessed with. Massive game next week against an inform Stirling, should be a belter
  3. In recent years, loan players with no experience have tended to be some of our better players. Keena, Zanatta, Brophy and Duggan. Give the others a chance at least. We’ve brought loans in for a reason because quite frankly there are players currently in our squad that are not good enough or ready for league 2
  4. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was either Gibson, J. Grant or Clark that would be away
  5. How was Stuart Morrison for you guys? Joined QP on loan and noticed he had a loan spell with yourselves
  6. Is Tidser still going to be joining up ?
  7. Well if we’re gonna be bringing potentially another 2 players in, I’d like to think a right back or a left back would be one of them. Definitely our weakest areas currently
  8. Any type of win will do for me. Surely with the quality of signings we’ve made this month and potentially over the next week will allow us to finally break our duck against Cowdenbeath. Here’s hoping
  9. First half was absolutely pathetic, similar if not worse than the fixture at Cliftonhill. Foy, Mortimer and Joffrey were having nightmares throughout the half in particular. However, what a difference in the 2nd half, players upped the intensity considerably and there was a real desire to get at Rovers. Thought MacLean was the best player for us by a mile. Extremely direct, can beat a man and his delivery for Galt’s goal was fantastic. Grant aswell looks to be a very solid addition, constantly organising and shouting at the team which is something we’ve severely lacked this season. I’d imagine he’ll be even better when Jamieson returns as we really do miss him big time. Special mention to Willie Muir, wouldn’t swap him for any keeper in the league
  10. Thoughts on Jake Davidson ? Joined QP on loan for the rest of the season and noticed he had a loan spell with yourselves
  11. Signed for QP. What type of player we getting ?
  12. Noticed Sean Burns has left Forfar. Surely we’ve got to go and try and sign him
  13. He was in goals for QP against Cowdenbeath in the last meeting we played youse
  14. Doesn’t matter what the level opposition is. Our defending at set pieces was comical and embarrassing. Obviously expected to lose but we didn’t lay a glove on Kilmarnock plus we looked scared anytime we had possession of the ball. Disappointing
  15. Thought Finnie and Galt were outstanding. Great to see that Finnie is versatile and can play in a number of positions and today was his best game for the club so far. Unbelievable ball from Galt for the 2nd goal and once again Salim finishes it off. It really is great having a goalscorer in the team for once. 2 points off 4th place now and we begin to look up the table, whilst confidence levels will be high for the Kilmarnock game. Here’s hoping.
  16. I’ll take that tbh. Gus came to us with his reputation at its lowest and worked wonders with us. Here’s hoping McKinnon does the business
  17. Absolutely need to win this game. Stenny looked utter dross on the two occasions they’ve played us, so I’m somewhat confident of a result but with Qp this season anything can happen. Need other players to step up, instead of leaving it all for Salim to score something out of nothing. Fail to win and Roberts needs to go
  18. Who cares what age they are, if young players are good enough they’ll play. Our inconsistencies the past 2 seasons have been the complete lack of experience in important areas of the pitch. To have any opportunity of getting a player of the calibre of Trouten, we should be grabbing with both hands.
  19. First half was a shocker, looked like the players had no clue what they were doing on and off the ball. The thing that’s frustrating is how easy we made for Cove. Cove had hit their first sticky patch of the season and we’ve reverted to hoofing the ball to Salim whilst giving them all the time in the world to do what they want. Reinforcements are definitely needed in January. Not convinced by Block at all and we desperately need some creativity in the midfield to make runs in behind from Salim’s headers. Thank god we’ve got Salim or we’d be down nearer 9th or 10th. Get him signed up as soon as possible
  20. As a Qp fan, can’t defend or accept those actions from whoever it was from our squad. Truly unacceptable
  21. What a difference in the team the past month, playing again to the levels from july/August. We’ve now got a settled first eleven and even when guys like Galt are out, Purdue stepped up to the mark and took his chance brilliantly. Hopefully that kickstarts Purdue’s season as its quite clear he’s got ability in abundance Salim was outstanding yesterday and the finish for his 2nd goal shows how confidence the guy is the now. Really think he could quite comfortably hit 20 goals if he doesn’t pick up any injuries, he always seems to get chances when he plays. Very rare for a QP striker
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