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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Seriously though if our NHS became a diet American style healthcare system I wouldn’t be surprised to see violent riots springing up throughout Scotland and rUK. Would be the only way to stop it.
  2. Jesus, this looks insane, in the good Kojima kind of way.
  3. You probably already know but once the month is up you have to pay the full price (think it’s £3.99 or £4.99) per month to keep the games you download.
  4. Chunky onions are the only redeemable feature of a chicken curry from a Chinese.
  5. You can only speculate what Ronaldo’s tally would be by now if he started at Real and stayed in La Liga, instead of doing the business at Man United, then Real Madrid, and now Juventus.
  6. Just landed on Monarch. Think things will start to ramp up from here on in!
  7. Got the Xbox game pass for my PC for £1, and managed to snag Outer Worlds with it, great value. The game is pretty damn good as well.
  8. Stumbled across this band, can't say I've heard of them until yesterday, but they have some brilliant songs.
  9. People have to try really hard to show "they don't care".
  10. I've not added anyone to the ignored list for a wee while, although Malky3 is quite close to getting put on it. People are quite right in saying that once you've seen who's posted a reply, you can gauge whether it's worth reading from the username alone; if not you can just skip past it. Bit harder to do if people are actively spamming threads though.
  11. Baby was poorly as well, testament to Gowser tbh. Most other players would have probably shy’d away from playing in those circumstances.
  12. Bounties are brilliant. Even more so the dark chocolate ones.
  13. Because she’s completely devoid of any type of identity and set values. Pretty much typical of coalition/post-coalition lib-dems.
  14. Has to be sacked. Can't keep fucking up opportunities like this.
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