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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I mean it probably IS a yellow going with todays rules and how they are enforced, it’s just pure shite.
  2. Much better. Spain are as shite at the back as we are.
  3. Can any of the folk I’ve dm’d just pass it on, not going to keep DM’ing folk all game.
  4. Hahahah, fucking foul throw at this level of football.
  5. Unsure how many of the Spain players are sympathetic to the Catalonian region, and whether that may have something to do with it as well.
  6. Love how collectively as a nation, we’ve never been able to sing in unison properly.
  7. Well played bud. Hope you didn’t think me pointing out stuff was me being cheeky; you’re definitely better than you give yourself credit for. Well played, looking forward to our league games.
  8. Elite Dangerous will scratch the itch for grindy/semi realistic space trucking sim. NMS if you want Sci-Fantasy. Both are fantastic.
  9. Hud the bus, is that Hacker Dog in your profile picture? ”we’re just normal men” ”what do you mean normal men?” ”we’re just innocent men” Funniest bit of TV I’ve ever seen, and it was fucking CBBC. By Jingo!
  10. Barca charged with bribing refs since 1998, could be stripped of all honours that have been won since then. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/64918604.amp ETA: apologies I didn’t notice someone posted about it earlier.
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