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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. https://youtu.be/-8Jz3VW7rYk best voice ever.
  2. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol and hence no longer play while absolutely plastered/hungover.
  3. XCTR94 beats RBwatson by resignation. Queen blunder was unfortunate for my opponent, as he was pretty close to winning a couple of moves prior. If that’s the last game, sign me up for next season. WP Watson and everyone else.
  4. XCTR94 beats incomingexile by checkmate. Pesky double knight + rook wombo combo resulted in a tidy finish. WP chief.
  5. XCTR94 beats basedgodsaint by checkmate. 3 games on the bounce; hallelujah. Well played by my opponent, I just had the advantage of advanced pawns and my rook caging their king in.
  6. XCTR94 Beats Dandies1983 by checkmate; Solid game, opponent lost track of his cramped King and my rook flew to the line to seize upon the oversight. First win, finally.
  7. Wooden spoon coming a long nicely. When is it mathematically impossible to get myself promoted?
  8. Aye, hand me a real paintbrush and watch what happens. You’ll regret it.
  9. I’ve been in a severe rut, mental health, the usual shite that life throws at you piled tenfold amongst other things out with your control. I decided to paint; it’s not very good, but I struggled valiantly, fiddled with settings I had no idea what they did (digital art, btw). I tried to paint the from my window (minus the lampposts and circles) I know the sun placement in the water isn’t strictly correct, but what felt best about it for me was getting the colours I love to see down on some form of canvas, in the shape of something I love. The sun rising light over some hills and onto what is supposed to be an hue covered Tay. Or, it could just be utter gash, who knows. Regardless, if I croak it, be sure to create a bidding war for it in the future.
  10. While having a 144hz monitor…definitely makes sense. I’m more than content with my 12gb 3060; cost £500 and runs everything perfectly at 1080/1440p.
  11. It’s legit like I’ve forgotten the absolute basics; got a lot going on in real life so might be affecting my play.
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