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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. No, there isn’t anything to it whatsoever. How many active 5g masts does Iran have?
  2. If I were a better man I’d say you were bending the rules since she’s not naturally a redhead. However...
  3. How’s that forum “experience” going for you Marshy? Diddy.
  4. Would it have improved matters all that much?
  5. 2001 Clockwork Shining/Strangelove Eyes Wide Shut
  6. They need a DLC for this, since it has a lot of promise. The atmosphere of the planets is what I really loved. Also the music.
  7. Josh Meekings is the fastest player at the club going by the most recent data, according to James McPake. Reckons he’s getting back to his pre-injury fitness.
  8. Prequels rank in this order: Revenge of the sith > phantom menace > attack of the clones
  9. Unsurprisingly, it was the dear Rev. Stuart Campbell.
  10. I'd happily sleep through to next year to skip all of this shite tbf.
  11. Back to work tomorrow morning in the healthcare sector, will be great fun.
  12. That was on bell street i'm sure, behind the High School, beside Brodies sandwich place.
  13. _ _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shite Irish full back, not my turn but see if anyone can remember this no-mark.
  14. Doctor at Ninewells stating that the UK has some real problems on the way.
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