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Everything posted by milton75

  1. If someone has just stretched a 2-hour task out to an 8-hour shift they shouldn't be very tired tbh. I think if I was their boss I'd be a bit pissed off.
  2. It's good that you said this without irony.
  3. I haven't been following this case, but I think snippets on the news have given me the jist of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these are appalling, thick, tiresome people. The only thing worse than morons like these existing is that they only exist because the general public are demonstrably worse. There was a public appetite for the sort of tittle-tattle that this daft sow was selling to the papers, and there's a public appetite for the result of this case. If I actually met someone in person that was actively engaged by any of this I would drown them.
  4. What was the advert with the whole crap poetry theme? Tick tock Marjorie Dock etc.?
  5. In Summary: Jim McColl is yet again a chancing C**t, and yet again Rangers fans would rather not blame him. I seem to recall a rather similar scenario when he utterly screwed a whole bunch of loyal staunch employees of the old Weir Pumps in Cathcart. Funny that.
  6. #Worldle #34 4/6 (100%) https://worldle.teuteuf.fr
  7. Apologies if already in the thread, but: Believe it or not, this stemmed from a tweet about free WinRAR. The original tweet is gone, but that doesn't detract from Tom's resulting meltdown - both in the thread linked where he was quote-tweeted and in the original thread. "Did you see her bra?" gave me a chuckle.
  8. Any excuse for the old Viz classic: In all seriousness though, those magazines are appalling. And really not good for people imo. Most newspapers likewise.
  9. The people losing their minds at the beginning of that clip when he mispronounces the name
  10. A popular schoolyard insult among some folks I know was "Mac and Me". i.e. if someone considered ugly was speaking the correct retort would be "Shut it, Mac and Me".
  11. I wasn't sure what an Air Tag was (I'm old) but it seems to be a wee tracker thing you can put on your keys etc. You can track them on your phone if they get lost. Seems that there have been reports of folk using them to track women. My initial thought was that no-one was going to waste £30 on stalking the person above, but I realised I was being very mean-spirited.... of course you're not wasting £30. You can get the tag back off the body once you're done.
  12. I've seen something that suggested that pic was photoshopped.
  13. Like US Marshals on The Fugitive. Although I will gladly watch either tbh
  14. Sorry for the multiple quotes, but I made a fud of it. Anyway. Thorongil - you're having a head's gone on this. That's fine though. Thread is about being annoyed about petty things. The thing about this is that it's not about the supermarket per se, it's about the locale. The same supermarket chain will have stores where you don't need a pound/token and stores where you do. This will be based on the behaviour of their customers. Nowadays most trollies have an inhibitor once you get out the car park, so it's not even about lost trollies, it's about having to reclaim them from areas of the car park where they've been abandoned by morons. Put simply, if your supermarket makes you use a token for a trolley its because most of your fellow local citizens are lazy scum who don't put the trollies back. (None of this is hard and fast, I think all Aldis and Lidls still have tokens needed, but that's a reflection that they're not willing to spend money on a person collecting trollies that posh folk have abandoned). During covid lockdowns a lot of the supermarkets stopped making people do this, as it was seen as unnecessary opportunity for transmission, but they've gradually slipped back to it. I do admit to avoiding places that do it. Lidl and Aldi get a pass as I can usually fit stuff in the big baskets, but I don't have coins any more and can't be arsed with a token. I live in Bishopbriggs and my local supermarkets are Morrisons and Asda. Neither make you use tokens. The next Asda over in Robroyston makes you use tokens. So I don't go. So if your closest supermarket annoys you by doing this, blame your local residents. They are the reason.
  15. I think The Good Spirits Company are pretty far on with this - on a cask level though. Barrel in the shop, constantly topped up. No idea if contents are good though!
  16. Proof, if proof be need be, about the way Edinburgh has always been.
  17. The team is still worn out with all the REMEMBERING they did last week.
  18. I see that utter c-ntress Michelle Mone is up to her eyeballs in this PPE scandal.
  19. There's one in Dundee that does the rounds on a fairly regular basis, spotted last week. Probably due to all the circles they have there.
  20. That's all more or less true, but given the increased influence of lunatic fringe parties such as UKIP/Brexit, the Lib Dems getting some degree of power during to coalition years, increasing influence of The Green Party, the forementioned rise of the SNP in Scotland, and in fact all of the factors involved in Devolution in general, I'd say that we're still further away from the usual 2-party situation than at any point since WWII. For all that the Lib Dems made an arse of it, they still actually got a portion of influence, far more than achieved since the old SDLP days. I just don't see that we've moved towards an Americanised system at all. You could definitely make the case that the way the media treats politics and the personality-driven context in which political discourse is now occurring has followed in the footsteps of the colonies.
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