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Everything posted by Geronimo

  1. That's Nigel "Nig-nog's will never vote for us" Farage?
  2. I don't want him keeping young Scottish players who's dream it is to play for their country out of the team.
  3. Somehow I just knew your underdeveloped wee mind couldn't resist. (Referencing the parts in bold). The rest of your post attempts to justify the Atlantic Slave Trade as something the African people should be thankful for. These people are fleeing countries in utter disarray. If they were as wealthy as you insinuate, why would they be puting their lives in the hands of backdoor smugglers in a desperate attempt to reach mainland Europe? "How dare you slander UKIP" - UKIP are the most disgusting group of people in contemporary mainstream British politics. Your very support of UKIP is evidence enough of your own clueless state of mind, it's hypocritical in the extreme to accuse me of the same.
  4. Tragically, I don't think it is a short-term crisis. As long as indigence is prevalent in a society, people will act desperately to better their lives.
  5. African emigrants are fleeing their homelands because of the awful poverty under which they're forced to live. These conditions have been brought on by British/European colonialism and the Atlantic Slave Trade which has left Africa heavily underdeveloped and in unpayable debt to the very people who forced these atrocious circumstances upon them in the first place. The least European countries can do is offer a better life to the victims of their own racism and economic exploitation, as opposed to sending them back to a life of abject misery and horrendous penury. Why should the lives of Iraqi and Syrian Christians take precedent over their similarly at risk Muslim countrymen and women? Your and Nigel's view on that is disgustingly bigoted yet highly unsurprising considering your mutual support for a vilely racist and sectarian political party.
  6. Thanks guys. Knowing I'm not the only one who feels/has felt this way is comforting.
  7. I'm pathetically lonely. I've never had a real "best friend" who is of a like mind to me and with whom I can speak to openly and honestly. I've never had a proper girlfriend. I cry to myself regularly about how much of my teenage years have been utterly wasted and that memories and contacts normally formed by people my age just aren't developing, and that it's quickly becoming too late and my best and most productive years are evaporating before me as I stand helplessly by. It's tragic just how many basic relationships are completely absent from my life. I guess these are just standard life problems, but melancholy has always plagued me, particularly recently as things start to change drastically for me. It's weird because it's not as if things have been better in the past. I've always been a very introverted person, but as I get older more and more stigma seems to be associated with being a loner and relationships with other people become more important. God loneliness is a killer.
  8. This thread is gold. God I love the Simpsons.
  9. Brace yourselves for Caroline Lucas tonight. Now there's a real politician.
  10. Seriously lacking in motivation for early morning running at the moment. Any advice?
  11. https://youtu.be/phE8HifoQ-8 This broke my heart.
  12. Just finished Roots by Alex Haley. A truly epic piece of text. If you haven't already, seriously consider reading this book. Wonderfully written and exceedingly thought-provoking. I was genuinely speechless at the end, not so much due to the conclusion of the narrative itself, I was just in awe of the novel's vast scale and incredible significance.
  13. Recently delved into some of Billy Joel's early stuff. Good golly gracious it's brilliant.
  14. I'm not commending the actions of those involved, but if you insight the sort of racial hatred that Farage does, you can't expect an easy ride from those you're fear-mongering against.
  15. Yougov are not an impartial organization when it comes to politics.
  16. BBC commissioned polls aren't reliable.
  17. Your point about Trotsky was embarrassingly untrue. That was my point.
  18. It's historical fact "This is a very popular myth with neo-Nazis and other White Nationalists, who especially enjoy pointing out that Trotsky was born into a Jewish family. According to them a Judeo-Communist conspiracy is trying to destroy Western civilization and the white race, etc, etc, etc and invented that word to silence people… yawn. Funny that Nick Griffin should use a staple argument used by anti-Semites isn’t it? It can be found all over the Internet and Griffin was obviously defending his right to be racist by the looks of things. His argument, which is the general one, is that the concept of racism was invented by a Communist to stifle opposition and freedom of speech." That quote is you to a tee.
  19. http://histomatist.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/debunking-fascist-myths-94-leon-trotsky.html "Anyway, there used to be a decent enough blog - I am not sure who was behind it - called 'One Million United Against the BNP' - which carried a generally good mix of anti-fascist material, but in particular carried a useful section on the site debunking 'fascist myths'. One such myth - that remains popular with racists and fascists internationally - is that 'Racism' was 'a word invented by Trotsky, in his 1930 work, The History of the Russian Revolution'." Nick Griffin also claimed that Trotsky conceived the idea of racism. What a moron you truly are.
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