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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. They signed Connolly from us granted he may have been injured, but there was also the rumour him and Lee Miller had had a fall out and he wasn't getting a game when he was fit.
  2. It really wouldn't surprise you with this club if he's modelled our new kit then by tea time he's in a Raith one. It's how we roll.
  3. Actually he's just been pictured modelling our new 3rd kit so maybe not.
  4. Someone on our thread mentioned Keena to you lot on loan I'd presume. Don't know if there's any truth to it
  5. That's what I was thinking. If there is any truth to it i'd be saying to McGlynn aye ok we will give you Keena but you take Wilson aswell or deals off.
  6. I'd heard there was a bit of a fall out between Keena and Sheerin, but it's absolute madness to punt him on loan when there's far worse in the squad. Unless as has been mentioned we are bringing someone better in. Which given our recruitment I wouldn't be so sure.
  7. Eh? If true that's a fucking awful shout, especially when we still have that useless diddy Wilson, punt him on loan. Keena is the best striker we have FFS.
  8. . 3rd strip or not we will still be gash or is this one of those excuses akin to the famous man utd grey strip that the players couldn't see who they were passing the ball to. Better roll it out quickly so Sheerin has a fresh excuse on Saturday. Also just read his interview in the herald and it's the same guff again, he sounds more and more like a youth coach with each interview, it's more what should happen rather than he actually believes it will. Brad McKay in his pre Montrose interview sounded like someone very much in the infancy of a three year deal and not that arsed when asked are you confident about the game on Saturday retorts with well I've never played them and we've been working on stuff.
  9. Aye at Fauldhouse Utd. The only regular start he's getting anywhere is if he's on the all bran breakfast and confined to the bog.
  10. Whereas we have been utter shite and are still only 3 points off top. False dawn though because we don't look like scoring never mind winning a game.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if Grainger is interim head coach by Christmas tbh.
  12. I'm not sure the last few signings are on Holt tbh. Ruth will definitely have been on Sheerin, McDaid too you'd imagine, Ross another, and whatever the future holds for him he'll never ever be forgiven for signing Jaime fucking Wilson. Collectively though between Holt and Sheerin they have made an absolute James Blunt of the recruitment with only Nesbitt as a shining light. And big Krasniqi although he never gets a game from the start.
  13. Christ knows what nick we will be in by December. He might even have a new manager by the time he returns.
  14. Fiver on Keatings to score might not be a bad bet. Considering he has scored a few against us in the past. He won't even have to be remotely fit.
  15. An absolute stick on to score against us on Saturday fit or not. He has scored against us a few times in the past. Decent signing at this level or at least should be. Better than the striker we signed from Aberdeen who looks like a wee lost laddie.
  16. He was doing co commentary at the weekend on the livi game basically pointing out flaws that Celtic had about not creating enough blah blah. He needs to look a bit closer to home on the not too dissimilar issues his current employers have on the pitch. Which btw he had a big input into. Clown.
  17. Let's hope that's the case and preferably a fortnight.
  18. Yeah he's been our only outlet for stretching the game. Without him we don't get in behind teams.
  19. And Sheerin's pearls of wisdom post match after we have just been soundly bodied yet again.
  20. You'll never have a better chance we couldn't score in the proverbial barrel. Just let us have loads of possession as per, we will do nothing with it, hoof it over the top of our defence and you'll get some joy. Try n target McCann as most teams have. He's hopeless with long balls particularly diagonally over his head. Petrie will probably have already spotted this though like every other manager in the league except our own.
  21. Knee injury and all Sheerin said was it's long term.
  22. I'd hope we are still looking but I think we might be done.
  23. I got the sentiment about us needing players with an affinity to the club at the time but they overlooked the small matter of the player being any good. Had we managed to maybe get someone like Liam Craig and made him captain it might not have been the dropped bollock it was.
  24. Thought I'd kick this one off early, Montrose seem to have had a few poor results of late after starting the season well, but are always a tough nut to crack and always give us a game. Us on the other hand after a promising start the wheels have well and truly fallen off. Unless Sheerin changes the formation, tactics and personnel ( which he won't) then it's going to be a long afternoon. Home win 2-0.
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