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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. We're not the only club pricing the fans out of the game. It is happening up and down the country. Until sky's billions implode and the EPL falls on its arse then it will continue to happen, wages will continue to rise astronomically which in turn will push ticket prices up. It does filter all the way down to small clubs like us
  2. Totally agree with this. I'm not in a position either where I can't afford it but I choose not to pay £20 to watch football. Last Saturday for example I had a rare weekend off, I really wanted to go watch the sons v ICT but couldn't justify £20 plus beer and pie money a week before payday. Went to the common and watched the accies in a 4-3 thriller. I will go to Stranraer at £10, proper reasonable pricing. Might even take the boy! This won't happen in the league at £20 a pop, full stop. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  3. The prices are ridiculous we all know that and obviously we all wish our board made them cheaper. this is going to take up every match thread we have this year, I reckon the Falkirk bumpkins will moan the most. Do our board read this and feel the anger from the fans? Would be interesting to see their take on things if they do
  4. It's at that stage where any club, barring the big guns, lose their manager, we're going to be worrying if an approach comes in for Stevie. I'm sure he's on the bookies shortlist for most vacancys.
  5. I'd be surprised if Falkirk didn't at least have a chat with Stevie. I can't see anyone else jumping out for that job tbh.
  6. My old 306, god rest its soul, had a spare wheel mounted underneath. Always remember thinking I wanted a flat so I could be really manly and get about changing it. My car these days has a can of fucking foam, and yes I'd be better using a can of Gillette. Hit a pothole and got a flat, not just soft but proper flat. Stranded, middle of nowhere holding a can of this shite wondering what the f**k I'm supposed to do! Never again
  7. I heard this the other day. Has some personal issues apparently. Wish him all the best
  8. My slide down the leagues continues. I went through friday's quiz thinking 'I don't know many of these' hoped my guessometer would be on fire. Turns out it was broke, not just broke but monumentally fucked! A first...........
  9. Onto more pressing matters. Kate is a definite wid
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