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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Dunno if this is c***s on the road or c***s working on the road. But the cretins that decided to close the entire southbound A82 through Dumbarton at the weekend need a swift kick in the pie! 3 hours to travel 1/2 mile? C***s of the highest order!
  2. I see a few posts about why Stevie is persisting with 2 holding midfielders. I can understand some being annoyed at this when we are shoehorning players into there just to play that formation. However that is clearly the formation Stevie wants us to play. It seems to me that a lot of people jump on the ‘barcelona’ bandwagon and want to play certain formations because ‘that’s the way to go these days’. Look what happened when Leicester bucked the trend down south and went 442. I’d much rather we played a formation that played to our strengths and the players we have available. If that means putting 2 up top then so be it, sometimes it won’t be pretty but results are more important than performances at our end of the table.
  3. So yep, I want to use the train tonight, yep of course some moron drives their car onto the track at bowling cancelling every train! How is it even possible!?
  4. 6/10 for me For those questioning the leagues it looks like our substitute quiz master just has them in the wrong order but everyone in correct leagues. The give away is the number of teams in the bottom league! I should get bonus points for explaining this and helping out the stand in gaffer!
  5. C***s that can’t use the lomondgate roundabout on the A82 in Dumbarton. It’s not hard. It’s the same as any other roundabout but seems to be a free for all with regards to lanes! It’s not as if they have lane markings or anything! Stay in your own lane c***s! Never a day goes by that I pass it without numerous horns going off
  6. Personally I think any scores not in but the next days posted link should automatically have a penalty incurred. Maybe 1 point for the 1st time in a week, then 2, 3 etc for repeat offenders. so if all 5 scores get put in on a Friday a 5 point penalty would occur?
  7. A slightly improved 6/10. I do think all scores should be posted by the time the next days link is posted. Too many latecomers especially in that big boys league!
  8. All these 5/6/7s above had me thinking 'I'll do ok today' got off to a flyer, question 1. Correct. Question 2. Correct. 3. Wrong, 4. Wrong, few Aussie shite questions, wrong wrong wrong. Told myself it will get better, I'll have guessed a few. Wrong, wrong. All in all pish! 2/10!
  9. I don't think teams should be allowed to post a weeks worth of scores in one go! Sporting integrity needs to be upheld! Waiting to see what everyone else gets then firing in your own raises big questions! I know we're all busy and that, but just saying like..........
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