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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Knew 6 scored 6, decided I didn't like the questions I got wrong so tweaked the scoring system also. 10/10 for me [emoji2]
  2. Cardi needs to get a grip of this. The power of mod has made him neglect his duties. This thread is descending into chaos! A distinct lack of league tables! No cups and now a calendar meltdown! Any more of this and I'm away to join the breakaway euro league
  3. I fell asleep drunk on a train once after a night out. Woke up with some young ruffians banging on the window trying to get my attention. Realised I must've accidentally fallen into some young mans bottle of ketchup he had bought to enjoy his dinner with, and spilt it all over my suit. Decided I'd get the wife to clean it later, opened a new can of irn bru as the last one had been sitting a while and I don't like drinking flat juice. Fell back asleep and got off at my stop. Never did find out what those young lads wanted me for, maybe one day I'll find out
  4. What?? Really?? Surely, regardless of how small a club we are, we could do a medical on a player before signing him? Maybe this will teach our club a lesson. Or maybe not
  5. A pishy 5/10 to end the week. Will probably see me relegated! If not the boss will relegate me anyway for my misdemeanours earlier in the week
  6. Did we not do a medical? Surely an outstanding or niggling injury would be noticed at that? Or is that expecting too much of our club? Surely then if an injury was picked up we could've signed someone else?
  7. Now now cardi, don't blame me cause you can't do your maths! It was a 6 for Tuesday, followed up by 6 for wed and unsurprisingly a 6 for Thursday
  8. I got the number of goals scored by Scotland tonight Plus The number of goals scored by England tonight Minus My score for yesterday Plus A bakers dozen Minus The number of wheels on a car Minus The amount of times Iv won the big league I'll probably get relegated for this but I'm going down anyway so may as well go down in style! Plus if the big man messes up his maths then I may get a couple extra points [emoji12]
  9. Darren miller was also in the most recent Scottish amateur select squad however it was only a friendly. He was not allowed to be selected for competitive games due to him playing senior football (with us) so recently. Think there has to be a certain period of time between playing senior and being able to be selected for the national amateur select side.
  10. Darren miller was also in the most recent Scottish amateur select squad however it was only a friendly. He was not allowed to be selected for competitive games due to him playing senior football (with us) so recently. Think there has to be a certain period of time between playing senior and being able to be selected for the national amateur select side.
  11. Serves you right for betting on us! You won't make the same mistake again!
  12. How many are we realistically looking to bring in? Just the 1 striker? I'd ideally prefer 2/3 bodies as what we have so far doesn't look like it's going to cut it, plus will spend half the season on the treatment table.
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