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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. I certainly won't be going to the game against the colts and I do hope the board and sfa take note of the 'hopefully' pathetic crowd. My worry is that our record in this competition is horrific. Not that we really care about the result, however, losing this would just give the big wigs more support for their ridiculous plans.
  2. I'm gonna tell my kid when their born that the big bully cardi wouldn't let them join the league! I did however assume you would've taken my unborn kids 5 as my score for Monday! I suppose I should've made myself clearer! 7/10 for Tuesday!
  3. I let my kid do this to keep up with the trend. As it's still in the womb it couldn't even blame a fisher price guessometer! So I blame the wife and told her to eat more brain food and cut out the junk! 5/10!
  4. If I remember correctly it wasn't too long ago everyone was wanting shankland on loan from Aberdeen after he scored a barrowload in the development league. A few uninspiring spells at championship clubs later and he's been released. He could be exactly what we need, provide him with a platform to showcase his talents.
  5. WTF does a £100 bin do that a conventional cheap, Asda smart price bin does not?
  6. Knew 7 scored 8, boat and Aussie sport wrong! Have no idea what league my boys will be plying their trade in next season. Scores may go down later in the week if I need to release some higher earners if I have indeed lost the playoff.
  7. I think that instead of the Aussie quiz the Cardinal should just make up a daily one each day! I seem to do much better on his quizzes and tie breaks than that damn Aussie number! We should start a crowdfunding page and it could be his full time job!
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