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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Dont know if this has been posted, not been paying attention. Apologies if it has and causes confusion. Pleslie999 beats AH13STU by resignation. I didnt expect a Resignation as I thought there was still a bit of chess left, although I had a good position, all my attacks were getting swiftly swatted away, good game, looked forward to the return leg.
  2. After their tweet last week saying they were playing us, seems that game is now off.
  3. We thought that last year but alas they returned, with rumours that they would help with the pitch. Whether those rumours had any substance or not it has clearly not happened.
  4. The groundsman has one job! The pitch is his responsibility, it falls to him to turn up early enough to sort it if it needs it. We can't seriously expect Antonia or anyone else to make a call on a pitch, it's his job, noone else's! Yes he's employed by the club so yes I suppose the blame lies with the club but with 1 individual in particular.
  5. It makes zero odds if everyone and their auntie wanted to play the game, the ref deemed it unplayable so it's unplayable. No point in either side greeting about it. The weather is to blame or our groundsman for not being there earlier but not anyone else at the club or the ref!
  6. Wish my opponents would play like that. Iv 1 win so far and it came courtesy of a timeout.......
  7. Cautious maybe. Correct probably. We need to take a long hard look at ourselves and why does our pitch suffer more than others and looks like Troon beach for half the year! We shouldn't be needing to dump tons of sand on it to sort it. It was never that bad in @Dumbarton Rock day, pitch was nearly always immaculate.
  8. Saw this today on twitter. If that's a big pile of sand then there's no way a ref is going to let that play. The ball won't bounce and therefore becomes a player safety issue. Fair enough if it's a small patch but that's a significant area. It's all very well saying it would be playable an hour later but the ref was asked to check at 1pm, and if its not playable then it's not playable. This is 100% not the refs fault, it's the weather's, it's the fact our groundsman is PT, it's the fact noone was there to deal with the pitch earlier but you can't blame the ref for calling it off. Just to put it another way, long ball drops in that area, 2 players go in looking to win it on the bounce in a 50/50 and the ball dies, both players smash each other and break bones. Who's fault is that for allowing the game to be played? The ref wouldn't ref again in the spfl this season!
  9. Purplekangaroo89 beats pleslie999 by checkmate Thought I was doing OK until didn't see the tactic to win my queen and it was all downhill from there. Not casting and continuing to try form some sort of attack was a silly idea. Well played.
  10. It will be because that's when someone's turned up to the ground and realised the pitch might struggle. Should someone have been there earlier? Yes probably, but unless there was any doubt yesterday I assume everyone turned up at their usual time
  11. Unless we called for one last night (which we didn't need as the pitch was fine) then it was only ever going to be 1pm. The match ref will make the call. Our local cat 1 ref Euan Anderson who does most of the inspections, has Aberdeen at Pittodrie today so would've been away on his travels by the time someone got to the ground and realised an inspection was needed. Unfortunately SPFL rules have restrictions on who can inspect and call the games off.
  12. I noticed that too. Can only think Pollok made a dogs arse of it by announcing it and saying supporters welcome, when in fact its likely to be a closed door game. Can't imagine we would be taking a full on friendly as u say at an important time of the season. Closed doors games happen on a regular basis, usually on training days, from lower league sides and us fans are none the wiser.
  13. Pleslie999 draws with pnbmathematics by agreement. Close game as usual. After we traded off all the pieces it was destined for a draw. I offered as I couldn't see a way to win but no doubt would've blundered my way to a defeat. Analysis seems to think I was ahead most of the game but it didn't feel that way, always felt like I was having to move pieces to defend something. Well played @mathematics
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