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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. U didn't but I doubt the ref sent him off for 'expressing a robust opinion'. Regardless of whether or not he swore at/to/in the vicinity of, its a daft red card and could cost us.
  2. If he swore at the ref then the red card is warranted. The law is pretty clear on that. What he claims was said/how it was said in relation the the truth is probably a bit skewed. Regardless, it was a stupid red card as is any one where folk don't know when to keep their mouth shut.
  3. We knew in the summer that it was going to be a small squad. Farrell himself came out and said that. Think IIRC he mentioned 19 bodies? The budget probably played a part in that. I'd also have preferred we went for someone on loan rather than an ageing John Gemmell but again, the budget probably played a part in that too! Whether or not that's true is a debate for those that can be arsed, as u say it will go on and on. I'd say that we knew this situation was likely to arise with injuries and suspensions. What's more frustrating is its hit all the same position which makes the squad build seem daft when in reality if we had 4 bodies out, 1 from each position it wouldn't be too bad! There is no excusing wallaces red card tho and if we lose tomorrow due to lack of fire power, then some of the anger should definitely be directed towards him!
  4. Well played. Result as expected. Any good ideas I had were swiftly battered into oblivion. No there wasn't, I thought there was but clearly didn't see my Knight being blundered
  5. I would just like to say. I fully expect @Trogdorto destroy me in the cup. However I have the opportunity for a draw by repetition................... I feel like taking it at this stage is poor but also it would be a feather in my cap to say I drew with him
  6. With Hamilton also drawn at home I reckon we can probably rule out a 3pm Saturday fixture........unless of course we are chosen for tv again. I have a feeling BBC will think the draw is as 'meh' as we do!
  7. A genuine attempt was made to invest money into the club? So question is, where is it? I cant imagine many football clubs in Scotland would turn down some investment. The problem is you either didnt have any or had alterior motives. Excuse us for thinking you were a chancer cause sounds to me like that's exactly what you are. You've jumped onto P&B to respond to a comment from months ago in the middle of the night. A few too many wines perhaps? The time for responding to fans, engaging was a long time ago! I hope whatever club you are off too next sit up and take note.
  8. Pleslie999 draws with @mathematics by agreement. Tight game, struggled to see a way through, all pieces were tied up in one way or another so a draw seemed a logical outcome. Analysis seems to think I was ahead when we drew but I couldn't see a way to win. Cheers for the game
  9. Tonight is a perfect opportunity to come out, win, and get some confidence back against a team, we should on paper, beat. In reality it won't be that simple and a large majority of our support are understandably worried about the outcome. A cup run would be nice, get a decent couple away days to some nice grounds before ending at a money spinning Premiership side......that's the dream!
  10. Barring 1 game that's ongoing I'm also done so feel free to fire me an invite for a friendly. I'm always up for some games. Pleslie999 on chess.com
  11. I did, didn't refresh my memory, I definitely remember all the questions so wouldn't be fair as I scored much higher than I usually would I'll take relegation for my stupidity in not posting
  12. I definitely done it.........I'll redo but feel that would be unfair if I post a score on 1 I already completed. I dont remember what I got. I'll take finishing bottom if that's the case.
  13. Cheers for the game, could easily have gone either way. Early blunders in both matches had me on the back foot but clawed My way back. Really tight games and thoroughly enjoyable.
  14. Tbf, we are motoring through, plenty moves per day. Just very tight and advantage swinging both ways. I'm currently not in a great position but up a Knight for 2 pawns so it's all to play for. Considering we're deep into game number 2 and there are still some outstanding ties we're doing ok I think.
  15. I assumed that may be the case but wanted to check. It may well not go to another replay but its tightly poised just now. 1 mistake could end it for either of us.
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