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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Calling the @microdave Claxon. I dont see a match thread for this week (unless im blind) and don't want anyone else starting one..........
  2. They would've had to do this behind closed doors and without officials. As the SFA cancelled all games no officials would've been allowed to ref and wouldn't have been covered for insurance (at SPFL level they wouldn't have been paid either as it comes from SFA)
  3. Pleslie999 beats invergowrie by resignation A tight game, I was in real good shape after the opening but had zero ideas what to do in the middle game which allowed my opponent back into it. 1 loan pawn that forced his way up the board was the difference, he didn't promote but caused carnage and cost my opponent a couple pieces.
  4. Pleslie999 beats Xctr94 by checkmate. A wild game, my opponent blundered a queen after about 5 moves then a rook later only for me to blunder my own queen and hugely advantageous position. My 2 rooks got into a good position and managed to deliver mate once I had recovered. Good game. Look forward to the return.
  5. I'm taking on the Great Scottish Run next month and hoping for a sub 2hr half marathon. In reality iv been struggling with the training so reckon that will be a big ask. Just completing it is going to be the new goal. Assume there's a few guys on here taking it on?
  6. It was made today. Ties are on scottish amateur twitter account.
  7. It is steep but tbf, it would prob cost more than that in fuel to drive down there
  8. Creating a thread to whine about at ex player. Nothing bitter in that at all. You've had a mare here mate, put the beer away and off to your bed.
  9. Ooft. A full house 10 to end the week. Can't remember the last time I got a full house. Only guessed the president, knew the rest which is very strange!
  10. @Jan Vojáček is the podcast out yet? If so have got a link to it? Got a trek through to Motherwell on Sunday for a Scottish cup tie so will listen to it in the car if possible
  11. The top league is very strong. I wouldn't fancy myself against any of those guys tbh, so if we went 2 tiers I think it would be a very obvious split in the top tier. 3 is a better structure in terms of competitive games I think
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