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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Pleslie999 beats gkneil by resignation Good game, was close i thought, i nearly missed a mate threat from my opponent and thankfully noticed it before i played my move. Went all the way to the end game but my extra 2 pawns were the difference. I am terrible at end games tbf so was happy my opponent resigned rather than need to stumble over the finish line. Cheers for the game.
  2. Pleslie999 beats markf268 by resignation. A bit of a tight one, both struggling to breakthrough, then a pawn capture leading to a rook blunder swung the game in my favour. There was still a bit of chess to be played but I assume the resignation was down to a bit of frustration. Thanks for the game.
  3. Probably our genius manager wasting the talents of callum Wilson at full back
  4. I have resigned from my tie so purplekangaroo89 wins by resignation. I was going to continue to try play for a stalemate but that doesn't help anyone. Don't think I was ever in it but managed to hold on for 65 moves which I take as an achievement. Well played PK89
  5. Lol I know but it's roughly the same place (I'll kid on its my dodgy geography skills to blame)
  6. Anyone making the trip down on Tuesday to Gretna? I'm considering it...... Madness I know
  7. This will be over soon. Purplekangaroo89 has slowly been turning the screw and If it was poker I would be classed as having a chip and a chair.....
  8. Hutton definitely divided opinion and clearly still does. For me, he didn't do enough and wasn't particularly fussed when he left. The fact he left us to go to EK and join Aitken says enough about his desire to play rather than just get some money.
  9. Pleslie999 beats AH13STU by timeout. I'm happy to replay the game if that's allowed. Was pretty tight, both struggling to make any sort of inroads I couldn't really see how I was going to break through and was just shuffling pieces trying to get into a good position. Can only assume AH13STU was struggling for time as game had been going for a couple weeks and had flirted with timing out a few times. Hope all is well
  10. Not sure about that, iv felt pinned up against a wall for the last week
  11. His stupid red card in injury time for abusing the ref, when we were already beat, with a huge game to come the following week which he was then going to be suspended for done it for me. I'd have stripped him of it then and there.
  12. Tbh I'd take anyone as captain rather than Carswell. Glad to see it seems like Faz has stripped him of it. As I mentioned last season on numerous occasions, the Captain should be pulling us out of holes and galvanising the guys around him. Not saying Buchanan will do that but Carswell certainly didn't.
  13. Pleslie999 beats paakman01 by checkmate Was a good game, tough position but felt I was looking good as was well developed so trading queen's was worth the risk as yours was in a pretty dangerous position. An over ambitious pawn was the downfall, as it left the King suffocated by the other pieces. Well played
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