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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Pleslie999 beats markf268 by resignation. Played into one of the few openings I know pretty well and was able to make it count by snaffling queen up early, and when my opponent hung a rook it was always going to be a struggle. Good game. Cheers
  2. Well here we are. 24 hours on, the dust has settled on what has been an epic and outstandingly well run tournament by @SlipperyP. It swung both ways over the course of the tournament but the greeting faced Scots pipped us on the final hole to seal a victory. At least us RoW boys can hold our heads high, whereas those Scots will shirk off back to jockland with their tainted trophy knowing that in years to come, the historians will report on the un-sportsmanship of the Scots. I'm sure in 2 years time when the tournament is held in some concrete cesspit in Airdrie the RoW team will come back stronger. It is time for a new captain, so I pass the batton on knowing we went in as huge underdogs but battled well and forced a great battle. Some may say my team selections were wrong and the order of the singles were wrong but we live and die by these decisions. The whole team done me and the world proud, everyone contributed to our final total and more importantly everyone contributed to the locker room karaoke every morning to flush out the hangovers! Special mentions to again @SlipperyP for his organisation and running of the ryder Cup. some of our big hitters @Eednud who dropped only 2 questions the entire tournament, an outstanding achievement and one that did not deserve to be on the losing team. The partnership of @Tynieroseand @German Jag who fired us away with 4 out of 4 in the Foursomes and fourballs. and finally my fellow captain @The Hologram, congratulations sir, great battle, great banter and in the end the better team won.
  3. Its ok, head up mate. Don't stoop to their level. We are better than that. We have the moral victory regardless of what happens in this re-run debacle
  4. It was a great bit of captaining from us. Putting on of their biggest hitters up against our elder statesman who's here for beers and hookers. Wasting one of their big scores leaving a free hit later for one of ours. We'll played sir. Your participation has been valuable.
  5. Will I f**k!! Get it up you Scotland!!!!!!!!!!! CHAMPIONIEEEEESSSSSSSSSS An official captains statement will come tomorrow once @SlipperyP makes the official announcement and when I'm hungover and hugging my trophy surrounded by my equally pished and valiant warriors! In the meantime, ROTW boys, enjoy your night! Scottish lads.................. away home
  6. What was that?? A 10 you got sir. That will do nicely! Good job! Carry on with your day No pressure but don't let the boys down!
  7. Last but by no means least. If its academical you get the pleasure of gloating to the Jock Captain @The Hologram who shat the bed and put himself out last. "Real captains want want be in the heart of the action roaring their team to victory. Weak captains hide behind others cowering at the end" - pleslie99 (2021)
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