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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. My profile picture may change after that signing. As I said no idea how good he is, may be dug shite but I love him already!
  2. Attendance would be 499 I assume can't see them turning folk away.
  3. I mean I love the speculation, and I wouldn't be excited about any of the names listed above. The rumoured incomer may turn out to be a flop but I just love the fact its not our standard lower league journeyman jobber looking for a final payday!
  4. Pretty sure we need clearance to play trialists regardless of whether they are free agents or not. So the fact he's coming from down South would rule him out until clearance is granted. Sure @Skyline Drifter will be along shortly to clarify such rules.
  5. Decent 8 to end the week. Another uninspiring week for me. On other news I'm out if isolation tomorrow so cup quiz will be next week
  6. Not why I heard. This one is more left field, waiting on international clearance apparently.
  7. Another one coming in I hear, maybe need to wait a few days but the long awaited striker maybe incoming!
  8. Looking at all the decent scores coming in I was confident this morning. Then I clicked submit at the bottom. Maybe cocid has killed my brain! A wooden spoon inducing 4 for tuesday!!
  9. Funnily enough i thought the very same thing reading that interview.
  10. Due to me currently isolating due to contracting covid the cup will likely be postponed for a week or so. Most folk would think isolation is an ideal time to sort out a cup.....I have a hyper active 4yo who is also stuck in the house and wants to cover me in glitter tattoos, make up and play with barbies. I also wish to use my working time to do such things so I am technically paid for making up the cup quiz therefore will sort it when I get back to work
  11. Clearly as I was the one that criticised his part in our goals conceded this was aimed at me. Everyone has their opinions, you have yours, I have mine, others have theirs. We won't always agree as thats football. Yeah he has had a decent career and has done well for himself but forgive me for thinking he has come here for an 'easy' pay day. You say his reading of the game is good. Watch back the highlights from Saturday, specifically him at our goals, he's out of position constantly, same as last week against Airdrie. Hes supposed supposed be offering 'protection' to our back 4! He looks unfit and overweight so forgive me for saying he's looking for an easy time, for me he's not showing the professionalism or desire required as an experienced ex pro. Is he the only one, absolutely not but we should be expecting a lot more from guys like him. And yes I could include Carswell (I did mention him in a previous post as he's in the same position) geggan, buchanan, Boyle etc in that too. As I said its an opinion and to me Paton is one that stands out more than most. I watch a lot of football from Amateur level, WOS and SPFL. IMO Paton would struggle to get into some of thr top amateur and WOS teams! I'm not old enough to remember Charlie Gallagher, i take your word for it that he was a top player but Paul Paton is certainly not a 'great midfielder'.
  12. I'm not blaming him solely, clearly there are errors across the team but look at him, he's making no effort to recover or cover for some other horrific defending. He's meant to be an experienced pro but he's cutting about not looking interested. That sort of effort is what grinds my gears, if we had players giving 100% sprinting around trying to do better then I would be a bit more forgiving. Walking, allowing players to run off him, not covering where the clear danger is is inexcusable.
  13. The highlights are grim viewing for us. Yes defensively we are poor and we badly need a new goalkeeper but for me we have 2 guys, our captain and vice, playing defensive midfield who look lazy and offer no protection. Ok, they scored our 2 goals but look at Paton's positioning for at least 4 of Falkirks goals, he's walking, making no attempt to cover others and basically offers nothing. To me he's a big problem in our side.
  14. I so agree with this and your 2nd paragraph hits the nail on the head with regards to the playing side for me. Most of us were happy with Farrell in the summer. Most were happy with the signings and were excited with them, it had the basis of a decent squad. Maybe we were just caught up on the nostalgia of seeing some old faces back, reminiscing about the good old times when Buchanan, Boyle, Geggan etc put in top drawer performances and moved on to bigger and better things. Now we look like a team of old timers, happy to pick up a last wage before moving on to whatever they do after football. Half of them look unfit, Paton, Boyle, Buchanan, Orsi all look like like they are towing caravans behind them. There is no structure, no shape and more worrying no leadership on the pitch. Not one player seems capable or willing to grab the team and pull them through. Young Callum Wilson plays with more desire than the rest of them put together! We should be building a core of a team around young hungry players who want to showcase themselves for a step up. Instead we are like a retirement home or half way house for those who didn't quite make it. There are many teams in league 1, league 2 and below in LL, EOS, and WOS who have ambitions to progress, clubs like us should be worried, Brechin won't be the last to drop out and have no sign of returning anytime soon. Clydebank, right on our doorstep have done things the right way, they don't have a billionaire owner and the community is getting right behind them. We on the other hand are driving the community away!
  15. Our board......incompetence. surely not in the same sentence?
  16. He was arguably our best player last week too. That being said, the woman that sold me my pie was equally as good last week we were that pish
  17. No point in speculating about who is going to replace Faz. He won't walk away (who would really) and we won't sack him as that costs money. We will drag this out to the end of the season where there will probably be an amicable parting of the ways, unless he's on a 2 year deal then we will suffer for another season!
  18. I have heard we will have at least 1 trialist playing tomorrow.
  19. Deadline has passed for anyone wanting to submit a request for a subject In the next cup which will start sometime....... probably once I figure out what half the things are you requested!
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