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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. @invergowrie arab slaps pleslie99 about and wins by checkmate. Found myself in a bit of trouble and couldn't recover. Solid play there by my opponent. Totally missed the checkmate at the end too while I was too busy lining my own up well played.
  2. Unlucky mate. Thanks for the game. Couple early blunders killed u in that game. Look forward to the return.
  3. IMO all these 'ultras' groups should be banned. Proper cringeworthy when you see the nonsense the Union Bears or Green Brigade come out with. Not to mention the ridiculous stickers and lamppost signs dotted around the west of Scotland! These wee idiots are jumping on that bandwagon and think it's 'cool', all us more long in the tooth know fine well its not and its actually just embarrasing. I do remember sitting at the cup final A few years back and some wee helmet brought out a union jack flag and started some pish, someone launched a bovril/pie/juice or other kiosk bought refreshment at his head and he promptly sat down and shut up. With the stewards, it's a bit of a catch 22, yes they are there to do a job and get paid to do so but they are likely young adults either just out of school or got no other options, they will be paid minimum wage to 'watch' the crowd. If anything happens they probably think to themselves "for min wage am I potentially getting hurt?" The answers 99% of the time going to be no, can we blame them really?
  4. Cheers for the game. Offered the draw as I couldn't quite see where either of us could win from. Queens were going off the board. Kings well protected and each passed pawn was very vulnerable. Analysis seems to have it pretty even most of the way thru.
  5. A red card for violent conduct now has to include "excessive force" or "brutality". Those are the guidelines from the LOTG issued by IFAB. MacLean may be daft but there is neither excessive force or brutality in that. Ridiculous decision.
  6. I know I tend to defend refs but I cant even do that after that decision. That's poor!
  7. Good game mate. I had a howler early to blunder my queen then spent the next wee while chasing your Queen about while trying to get my remaining pieces into a decent position. Promoting into checkmate was a nice finish mind you, don't think iv ever done that before! Look forward to the return match.
  8. FFS move 8 and iv blundered my queen already! What a start to the league.
  9. @ShaggysBeard and paakman01 (don't know your name on here to tag u) Have sent invites to start our games. No hurry.
  10. U watch that YouTube thing on them? Their manager/owner Marc is a twat.
  11. Assume the lack of chat on this thread is down to the apathy we all have towards the situation both our clubs find ourselves in. Although with big Josh up front tomorrow I'm feeling confident!
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