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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Sad thing is, (i assume) this is the same group of wee guys who turned up a few years ago with the drum, sang some songs, pissed some folk off with the drum and were generally welcomed in as the new generation of fans. Covid hit, 2/3 years later and the cool wee guys have grown up a bit, watched the ugly sisters 'ultras' groups on social media and decided they want to do that! Get them to f**k!
  2. 2 results in division B Pleslie999 beats mathematics by checkmate Good game, felt I played well, was a tense while I didnt know where I was going to break through but glad it worked out in the end. Purplekangaroo89 beats (obliterates) pleslie999 by resignation I got smashed, enough said! Was never even in the game. Well played
  3. I'm currently getting slapped about by @craigkillietoo. Can't see it lasting much longer! Think he's defo a stick on for the middle league
  4. Pleslie999 beats Dandies1983 by checkmate. That was a slog. 83 moves, great game, not a lot in it, having pawns on either side meant I was always likely to promote. Had to think hard, very hard to manage not to stalemate.
  5. It's my understanding Rangers Do Not send anyone to work on the pitch. They send staff on the day they are playing to prep it for their game. That is it. So it's down to our guys and our guys only to sort the pitch.
  6. He is right tho. The player came back from an offside position and touched the ball in his own half. Free kick is taken from where he touched it. As daft as it is that just so happened to be in our half
  7. I didnt think there was much in that tbh, neither keeper had much to do. 1st half we deserved I think to be at least level and if it hadn't been for criminal defending from carswell and Boyle we would likely be coming away with a point! Frustrating thing for me was big josh hardly won a header all night, he was pretty much dominated by the QP defender.
  8. All carswell had to do was pass it back, dallied on it and lost it. Then Boyle......f**k me! Don't shut him down and then allow him to come inside, at least show him the outside! Schoolboy stuff!
  9. I turned it on and totally agree, it looks awful. 2 teams playing on that was always going to struggle. Funnily enough Firhill tonight is also likely to be a mud bath, Rangers B shouldve been sharing with a team with an Astro pitch, same goes for QP.
  10. @craigkillie I can't find u on chess.com to invite u to a game. I'm trying purplekangaroo89 but gives me some sort of message about blitz rating iv never seen before.
  11. Cheers for the game. That's my 1st ever win at 960, your Queen blunder early did help significantly tho. Gg
  12. Jesus, I didn't think Montose fans were such greeting faced c***s. Maybe the lofty position they find themselves in has turned them falkirkesque. Us mere diddy's coming through and taking a point off the mighty and invincible Montrose has caused a mighty meltdown in Angus.
  13. Clearly someone at the club has seen it and told him to take it down seeing as it's been deleted! I don't imagine he had second thoughts! If that's the case he should have the book flung at him.
  14. I'm up for the cup. Can't wait to get put out in rd. 1 yet again. Still never won a game of 960
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