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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. A lot of Anger on here and other social media from a lot of majorly disgruntled fans. The board/management have been known to snoop about before on here so hopefully they take note. Its a fucking shambles! Sort it out!
  2. You explain to me why he's done it? He's a shitebag that's why, rather than direct his anger and frustration at those that deserve it he's directed it at the 1 person who can ensure he spends next week in the stands. You can have your opinion I'll have mine. Maybe I'd give him the benefit of the doubt earlier in the game, but in the 92nd minute when the game has gone there is no need for it, and just sums up his, and our teams mentality.
  3. Hes club captain, he should know better. Frustration fine, take it out on those who got us in the position we are in, himself and his team mates and manager. Abusing the ref ends one way, as we have found already this season, and in the 92nd minute stinks of someone who can't be arsed and wants a week off. I never said kick him out but as BBPF below says, I wouldn't be rushing him back into the side. Couldn't have put it better. He's club captain. We've watched potentially the worst football imaginable in the past 3 years and he has been a constant in that. Let him go and stink another club out for next season.
  4. If that's the case then it's a deserved red card and hopefully the last he plays for us
  5. All our own doing too. 0 points from Alloa cause our pitch is a shambles and it cost us the 2nd goal. 0 points from Peterhead cause yet again we lost our discipline and our so called 'experienced' players let us down 0 points from East Fife cause we are a shower of bottlers who don't have any fight in us. We are going down, Falkirk were pumped today and are in a crap place but I still fancy them to score as many as they like against us next week.
  6. I dont disagree but I just don't think we will. The board are very good at hiding and will do the same again here. As @Bring Back Paddy Flannery says, they can get to f**k too if they do nothing. we are in free fall and the players look like they can't be arsed. I'm fuming with Carswell today and wouldn't be fussed if he never pulled on our Jersey again, an absolute embarrassment to get sent off for Dissent, in the 92nd minute, of a relegation 6 pointer!
  7. Farrell isn't going to get sacked at this stage of the season. Regardless of how much we ask for it. We will need to accept our inevitable relegation and try rebuild next year. These players need to have a long hard look at themselves. Farrell's idea of signing "experienced" players has backfired big time. I really hope the next guy we get in brings some young hungry players in with something to prove. None of these last pay packet jobbers we have currently
  8. Embarrasing. Don't know where to start. Teams a joke. A captain sent off for Dissent in the 93rd minute? That's someone who can't be arsed and sees an easy way out. Get him as far from our club as possible. Noone to blame but the players and manager.
  9. Love a trip to Coatbridge, Forfar and Cowdenbeath this time of year......
  10. I played the move thinking it saved my Bishop and totally missed the mate threat. Absolute idiot
  11. Can't believe I lost that, was so comfortable and managed to blunder mate in 1! Horrendous from me! Well played!
  12. Dandies1983 beats pleslie999 by checkmate. Thought I was doing OK then completely missed the threat of mate! Well played.
  13. You are wrong their team was the same as it is every week give or take. The goalkeeping wasn't that bad and far from cost Langlee the game. Gow didn't get out of 2nd gear in reality and cruised it.
  14. 4 Central teams in the Semis. Biggest surprise is St Pats going out to Tower Hearts. Although Tower Hearts are a very good side I dont think many saw that result.
  15. Can someone not just take us round the back of the castle and shoot us? Is that not what they do to useless racehorses?
  16. Thanks for the game. I'm delighted with how I played in that game tbh. I didnt think you played too badly and analysis seems to agree, i was up a Knight early but was a pretty tight position but me having more active pieces was the difference I thought.
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