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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. Because it was a stalemate? It was far from a stalemate. Both had Queen, a rook, a Bishop and about 5/6 pawns each. Im sure one of the more seasoned chess players would notice a possible attack but Neither of us was wanting to commit anything so we repeated moves.
  2. Yeah cheers for the game. Was a bit of a stalemate at the end. I couldn't really see what to move without losing so was happy to repeat. Was an end of season kick about for the boys that one. Analysis shows we both played pretty well although I ddnt feel that way, always felt like I was behind and about to lose at any minute!
  3. Lol is that it? A chairman moves on replaced by another. All that build up for that! Do you give it that much build up in the bedroom? Your wife must be thrilled......
  4. Hearing we may have a couple covid issues for Saturday to compile the suspension and injuries. Space on the bench for a couple fat old fans maybe?
  5. Irate is one word for it, stupidity another. Iv messed up end games before but not quite on that level. I was too focused on trying to get your final rook off the board when I should've just marched my pawns and King up the board. As soon as I played my final Bishop move my phone was nearly launched off the wall once I realised what was coming and couldn't be stopped! Well played, really good game.
  6. @Leicesterlichtie I invited you for our game but forgot to change what colour I was and was set to random. If I end up black can u cancel and restart? If I'm white weve got lucky! Cheers
  7. No point in arguing with you. You have your opinion that's fine. Iv told you the facts and your not interested. As I said, we should be looking at our players rather than blaming the ref. The ref didn't cost us 4 goals, our crap defending did! We also had plenty chances to score more than the 2 we did. We have a bad habit amongst our fans of blaming refs and its tiresome. Couple that with some (on here and our FB page) calling the Airdrie celebrations "embarrasing". Jesus, they scored a 96min winner. I'd be running up Dumbarton high St naked if I'd done that so give them their moment of joy, suck it up and do it back when we meet them next time.
  8. Correct. So where did the referee make up his own rules. He enforced them, our fans didn't like it. We can moan and grumble all we liked. We played right into it and gave the ref reason to book and send us off. Of course the ref will tell players before a match where the line is, if you've ever played football even amateur refs do this. It may be new to you but that shows your not up to speed with the laws of the game which is why many fans moan and grumble when they don't understand. A sending off offence is offensive, insulting or abusive language or actions. "f**k sake ref" is not any of the above, it's clear frustration. "Your a fucking clown" is offensive, abusive and insulting and would result in a red card. So it's not a load of nonsense, it's fact.
  9. Yes there is swearing every week but There's a difference between swearing and swearing AT someone. Shouting "f**k sake ref" isn't likely to get you more than a talking too. "Your a fucking clown" on the other hand will see you heading for a bath. What difference does it make. Our fans aren't exaclty showing ourselves In a good light here. Moaning and greeting because the referee did his job, reffed to the laws of the game, was consistent (which is a gripe every week) and we didn't like it.
  10. Can I ask what exaclty was a disgrace? Did you hear exaclty what the players said when asking what was going on or are u guessing? For example if any of our players called him a fucking clown as u have then they will rightly of seen red.
  11. Disappointing to see the result today especially considering we conceded so late after getting back into it so late too. Iv not seen the game (will watch highlights later) but having a go at the ref is poor. Can disagree all we like about decisions but when it comes to dissent we don't know what was said. The ref would've laid the law down to the players pre match telling them what he will expect and where the line is. If our players are stupid enough to test that out then they are going to end up on the end of some cards. Can call the ref sensitive or whatever but if his integrity was questioned its a red all day. Swear at him, its a red. It's crystal clear in the laws of the game. Instead of moaning about the ref, maybe we should moan about our shakey and leaky defence that shipped 4 goals! The ref didn't score them!!
  12. Sorry @SlipperyPiv missed a few this week as iv been away with work getting pished! If I can catch up I will but chances are I'll just can it this week and return next week.
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