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Insert Amusing Pseudonym

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Posts posted by Insert Amusing Pseudonym

  1. Originally I was in favour of resting folk, but with the way the playoffs are shaping, I think we need the seeding (or a spectacularly lucky draw) to have any realistic chance.

    Almost every team that's played over the last few days have lost a couple of players to suspension, so we won't be the only ones. Plus come March who knows who'll even be available, so go for it tonight.  If we're behind at half-time you can withdraw players to protect them 


  2. 8 hours ago, Fratelli said:

    Can only assume the folk who are incensed at a Ralston call up haven't seen very much of him this season. Not saying he deserves to be first choice, but he's improved massively and is definitely worthy of a call up. Of course whether or not his upturn in form is solely down to Ange's system suiting him/mitigating his weaknesses remains to be seen. He's not quite at the level where you feel at complete ease when he has the ball - he's still capable of a mistake, but given our right back options he deserves to be in amongst it. 

    What about those of us who've seen him, appreciate that he's clearly better going forward and quite well suited to Postecoglu's organised chaos attacking style but have seen him still be defensively awful under any pressure and recognise him as a liability against a decent team.

  3. 1 minute ago, Flash said:

    Can’t find anything that confirms this. It looks like the group stage and the play-offs are all part of a single competition (the preliminary competition) and two yellow cards in either the group stage or the play-offs mean a suspension. Only thing I can find is that yellow cards (and any suspensions for 2 yellow cards in separate games) don’t carry over to the finals, but red cards do.

    From the World Cup Regulation 15

    “Single yellow cards and pending suspensions as a consequence of cautions received in different matches in the preliminary competition of the FIFA World Cup 2022TM are not carried over to the final competition. Pending match suspensions imposed as a result of a direct or an indirect red card in matches in the preliminary competition of the FIFA World Cup 2022TM are carried over to the final competition.

    If a player receives two cautions in two different matches, he will be automatically suspended from his team’s subsequent match.”

    So, I think if you got one yellow in the group stage and one yellow in the play-off semi-final, you’d miss the play-off final.

    World Cup Regulations


    No, I'm definitely not 100% on it, I'm basing it on a sketchy memory of how they have done it previously.  It would be extremely unfair for teams who've played 2 more games to have to carry bookings into the playoffs though.  There's other teams in a worse position than us as well, Turkey have got a shitload of players on a yellow.

  4. 3 hours ago, Small Bovine Maisonette said:

    Stick with one up front, please. And that should be Adams after his performance last night. Harsh on Dykes after his recent goalscoring form, but I feel we look much better with one up front and Denmark's greatest strength is their midfield, we can't afford to surrender the middle of the pitch. Besides, Dykes is a pretty decent option to have on the bench if we need a goal.

    Adams is on a booking, so I'd rather he was benched 

  5. Good overall performance, all contributed.  I thought McGregor was really good controlling the tempo.

    Personally I'd rest any of the key guys on a booking.  You want to be seeded, but I'd rather play Serbia away with McGinn, Gilmour and Robertson than the Czechs at home without them

  6. 21 minutes ago, nate said:

    Your quip about McInally and puddings reminded me of an amusing aside regarding that match in Genoa. The Costa Rican coach, a savvy Slav if I recall, organised a pre-tournament friendly against (I think) Wales, in which he instructed his goalkeeper to deliberately drop every cross that came his way, knowing that Scotland backroom staff were scrutinising their performance. We took the bait and pumped in cross after cross to big puddin' heid McInally that day in Genoa, thinking their keeper was rotten, and the CR goalie mopped up just about everything that came his way. We had been outsmarted before a ball had been kicked. But yes, CR were a decent team. They passed us off the pitch. No-one is suggesting Moldova are comparable to Costa Rica, but it's merely a reminder that we, of all nations, cant be dismissive of anyone. We only beat Moldova 1-0 at Hampden, after all.

    Och they did not pass us off the park.  They parked the bus and a combination of awful finishing and good defending/goalkeeping won them the game.  They barely crossed halfway the entire match.

  7. 2 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:
    3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:
    Fair play to Hickey asking for a rest. He's a young lad playing at an incredibly high level, and at least he's honest.

    How do you know he's being honest? Maybe he simply thinks Gemmill is a fud?

    Would be a better reason to pull out in fairness

  8. 33 minutes ago, nate said:

    no, it was about 20 years before that in 1990, when everyone -Scottish fans and media alike - had written them off as Group fodder on account of them being World Cup virgins. They turned out to be tactically miles ahead of us. I should know...i was at the game. More uninformed comments welcome, please.

    Still cursing Roxburgh for picking McInally tbh.  Absolute pudding.  

    They did get to the last 16 in Italy though, they were a good team.  There's a difference between thinking a team who'd qualified would be worse than us and playing the 181st best team in the world though

  9. 1 hour ago, Fuctifano said:

    For what its worth, using the Elo ratings archive, in the 2004 game we were ranked 55th in the world and Moldova 105th, whereas on Friday we'll be 44th and Moldova 158th. 

    Or if you believe that you can't compare across federations, we're 25th in Europe (down 3 from a year ago) and they're 51st of 55, down eleven places in that same time span.

    That said, the Faroes are 50th... 

    Their 2004 team was a lot better than this mob.  In the 5 home games they beat Belarus, drew with us and Norway and had single goal defeats to Italy and Slovenia.

    While we drew there with a team including both Caldwells and Ian Murray

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