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Insert Amusing Pseudonym

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Posts posted by Insert Amusing Pseudonym

  1. First half was alright, should have scored a couple and moved the ball quite quickly, just the final touch let us down.

    After halftime we were largely dreadful.  We genuinely look like conceding to any attack, no matter how benign and the subs were bizarre.  Kastaneer was far better than GMS who should really have been hooked at half time.

    We could have won it with some decent late chances, but would have been harsh on Morton who defended pretty well and scored an excellent goal

  2. 1 hour ago, Rovers1992/1993 said:

    Nobodies saying that though..

    I doubt Neilson would have been as successful with us as John McGlynn is, on a shoestring budget though

    I also doubt he’d have kept Arbroath up there as one of the best part time teams in the country.

    No, but there are people saying McGlynn and Campbell are the two best managers in the division.  Which, depending on what your expectations and circumstances are, maybe they are.  I don't think they'd be good for Hearts though


  3. I find it hard to compare managers in a league where they're being judged on wildly different standards.  Objectively someone like McGlynn or Campbell is doing a good job for their club, but would they be double figures in front with Hearts?  Neilson gets slaughtered mainly because he's been in positions where he's got a massive advantage financially, but then that doesn't mean he's a bad manager and he did a decent job in the top flight.


    10. McPake.

  4. On 14/02/2021 at 11:32, Skyline Drifter said:

    I dont accept the direction of travel point. Mabude was past Halkett and angling towards goal when he was brought down. 

    And Popescu was obviously closer but as lenny says below he wasnt going to get there to stop a shot from inside the box. 

    Fitzwater's might get overturned. Interesting to see. I wouldnt. I think they are both red. I also think Nick Walsh is one of the best younger refs around. Not that it precludes him making an error of course but I think he was right.

    Either way, the idea that its a clear yellow and not debatable is nonsense.

    Popescu wasnt closing in though. He is like a bus towing a caravan compared to Mabude who was already at full pace. It looks pretty clear to me. Indeed two of our last three goals were scored from an angle like that.

    On that last point, Popescu comprehensively outpaced Mebude in the first half when he tried to outrun him down the line

  5. 3 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    It's not a clear yellow. It's contentious and debatable. The criteria is denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity for a player heading towards goal. All the boxes are ticked for me. It doesn't have to be square in front of goal to be an obvious goalscoring opportunity.

    Well we're debating it right enough, but you're apparently the only one who thinks it's anything other than a yellow.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:


    I'm wary of calling anything based on a still. I'll watch the pictures later, but that looks a red to me. Mebude's already on the ground and the 2nd defender (is it Popescu) is still about 10 yards away and at least a couple of yards further from goal. He's never in a  million years stopping Mebude from getting a shot off.

    The criteria isn't getting a shot off.  It's denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity, which that quite clearly isn't.  He's down 25 yards out at an angle with a covering CH.

    Clear yellow

  7. 1 minute ago, Otis Blue said:

    Jones did what exactly what he had to do, he got himself in front of the defender at pace - I don't think Kinglsey tried to foul him but I'm sure their legs tangled even if it was slight and accidental and it doesn't take much to cause a trip at pace.  For me a penalty - and McFadden (who knows more about the game than me) remained convinced it was a penalty even after seeing replays.

    McFadden is absolutely clueless as a pundit tbh.  

    The boy throws his leg out to instigate contact.  He's bought it and fair enough but it's not a penalty.  I'm not using it to distract from out performance which was the sole reason we dropped points but I'm genuinely baffled that anyone could look at that and say it was a foul.


  8. I do think Robbie takes some unjustified stick, along with the fair comments.  Clearly he's got a massive budget advantage this year, but he also cruised the championship with the 3rd biggest budget last time we were in it, so he's clearly not completely tactically clueless.

    Same with the Hearts are a poor team stuff we see after every game.  Clear there's some strengthening to do ahead of the Premier league, but I don't think we're talking about a whole new squad to get in the top 6

  9. 1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

    I've noticed this about some of the comments, it appears to be the same sort of old firm arrogance and ignorance where some of them know absolutely nothing about the opposition nor do they care.

    I even read a comment yesterday pre match that thought a wet heavy pitch would suit us better with the long ball game.  Seriously ?????

    That's one thing about most Championship and lower league teams supporters, they tend to know quite a bit about the opposition players and teams playing style and generally just seem more intelligent and missing this bizarre superiority complex.

    As for Robbie Neilson, the guy quite obviously needs sectioned as he clearly has some serious mental health issues.

    Calling folk ignorant then suggesting someone gets sectioned because they argued a couple of refereeing decisions is nice work.


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