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Insert Amusing Pseudonym

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Posts posted by Insert Amusing Pseudonym

  1. 51 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

    Greatest shock in Scottish Cup history? Under the circumstances (no competitive matches for Brora for weeks), probably, but Fraserburgh v Dundee would run it close. "Fraserburgh's most famous victory was in the Scottish Cup on 31 January 1959, where they defeated Dundee, one of the top clubs in Scotland at the time, 1–0 at Bellslea Park. This is widely regarded as the biggest ever 'giant killing' shock in the Scottish Cup."

    Elgin City were 2 minutes from beating Celtic in 1959/60

    The Dundee one would probably be worse, on the grounds that they were a good team and their fans would actually have been surprised.

  2. Dunno.  Missing Smith, Boyce and Gordon for sure, probably Kingsley as well, which is going to mean our back 4 is even worse than normal with a worse keeper behind them and our main goal threat is out, which on top of how we played Saturday doesn't inspire much confidence.

    On the plus side, Halliday is likely going to have to play full back so the midfield might move quicker than a 3 legged sloth.


  3. 1 hour ago, unknown1954 said:
    2 hours ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:
    While I think Robbie should just shut his mouth and admit we were pish, I don't think he's saying anything anyone watching wouldn't have thought themselves.  The surface was awful and every pass was a lottery

    Thats just not true

    It clearly is true though.  Every ten yard pass took about 15 bounces.  As an example, Bobby Linn had a nice bit of skill then went to play a Crossfield pass as the ball took a bobble and flew 25 yards out of play.

    Hearts were, yet again,  shite.  I'm not blaming the pitch for that, because a better team takes that into account and gets players turning and doesn't try to play the way we did.  Doesn't mean the pitch wasn't poor.

  4. 1 minute ago, Housecaptain said:

    Having spoken to a neighbour who is a Hearts fan he stated that Arbroath's second half streaming is every bit as good as the Hearts and obviously the gremlins being encountered in the first half was out with our control.

    If it was outwith Arbroath's control, it was a genuinely happy set of circumstances that led to the second half changes they never made leading to a massive improvement.

  5. 28 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    It's absolutely astonishing to me that we try out a new system, play absolutely abysmally with it at first but persist with it until it looks like we've really clicked and the players understand their roles, and then suddenly folk want us to change it.

    Alternately, we're not so good with it that it shouldn't be amended when necessary.  It's been good for some teams, much less so against Israel who play the same formation.  Andy Robertson has really toiled against them,and McTominay's lack of defensive experience has cost us a couple of goals.

    We're not a team that can afford to have one system and impose our game on others

  6. 1 hour ago, GordonS said:

    It doesn't, because you have to be in the SSC to get the points from those home matches. If you don't go to away matches reasonably often there's no reason to spend the £50 to join the SSC.

    Not really true, for one thing you get cheaper home tickets if you're a member

  7. On 17/03/2021 at 12:34, AFC360PUNK1320 said:

    I really think between now and the end of the season we really have to play to our strengths but also go for victory in each game like we done in January/February and not be "cagey" so my starting team against Hearts would be :-


               THOMSON    LITTLE    TOB    HAMILTON (C)


                       HAMILTON (J)             HILSON

    We have very good options on the bench regarding how the game is going but to me it is a "no brainer" but to start with Bobby and get a good hour out of him then bring on "like for like" Moore with fresh legs.



    Pretty sure you won't be bringing Moore on at any point

  8. McGinn when he's played deeper for Scotland has been nowhere near as good as he has further forward.  

    He's been brilliant further up the park, let's keep him there and McTominay and Jack can do the DM role perfectly well

  9. 1 minute ago, G51 said:

    Nah, I’d stick with playing well. He did really well against Jordan Lukaku in the Antwerp game (as well as scoring of course). Also did fine against Sima in the Slavia game, and that’s a guy that’s going to the EPL this summer. We talked about it before, he needs games to improve his decision making, but the talent is clearly flashing at this level.

    Is this the same Cammy Logan that’s also 19 and is now on loan at Cove Rangers?

    come on man

    He's on loan at Cove to get games.  Well that was the plan anyway - he's behind Smith atm and we only have 27 games.  It's hardly beyond the realms of possibility that Patterson could have spent the whole season on loan at somewhere like Ayr, is it?

  10. 36 minutes ago, G51 said:

    He’s clearly the best RB prospect Scotland has. Not being first choice doesn’t mean much when the coach chooses the players positions by picking them out of a hat. Reminder that this is the guy that played Allan Campbell as the advanced midfielder while Turnbull sat on the bench.

    I'm no even sure if he is.  We've got Cammy Logan at Hearts who's been outstanding at youth level and for Scotland u17/18 and is a wee bit younger.  And I have little idea what other 18-19 year olds are out there at other clubs.

    He might be great, he might no be - surely at this stage it's too early to tell.

  11. 55 minutes ago, G51 said:

    Patterson has been a cut above at youth levels at Rangers for a long time.

    Scot Gemmill decided to move him to RW to accommodate Ross McCrorie at RB for some reason. I would pay almost no attention to how players perform in the U21’s as they’re managed by a complete clown.

    In fairness I'm talking about youth levels for the country rather than a youth league which is completely unbalanced.  He's not really been first choice for Scotland at any level and not stood out in the way someone like Gilmour has.

    About the last part, I completely agree.  Gemmill is hopeless and tbf so is Billy Stark at 19s.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Baz Chuckle said:

    I have no idea if Patterson is good enough. That’s up to the manager judge. I’m fairly certain that Patterson has played in plenty of other matches other than first team games in order for his ability to be judged.  

    He may well be no better than Ross but my point was that a lack of club games does not mean that a player isn’t good enough to play for Scotland. Plenty of shite players with loads of experience have been capped as well. 

    Fair enough, and if an 18 yo comes in and looks absolutely sensational,  after being clearly a cut above at youth levels then I'm not against call-ups at all. 

    I just don't think that's the case with Patterson.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Baz Chuckle said:

    If someone is good enough then they should be in the team regardless of how many club appearances they have made.

    The fact that previous Scotland managers mistakenly thought that Crainey and Ross were good enough is neither here nor there.

    And how do we know Patterson isn't another Maurice Ross?  He's started 2 league games against St Mirren and Livingston, getting a game because 2 other players were injured.  It's hardly a strong evidence base

    I also watched him play very poorly for the 21s at home to Croatia, so I might be being overly cautious but for me he's completely unproven.


  14. 3 hours ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:

    The frame pish is just nonsense. See below.


    Its not bonkers at all. Robertson needs players in and around him to be successful. Leaving him isolated to to plough a lonely furrow up the wing doesn't work, because his game isnt about taking players on directly like Tierney. And anyway Robertson is a better passer, uses his weak foot more frequently and is more comfortable coming inside, and slightly better from a technical ball control perspective, i.e manouvering the ball in tight spaces. I think it would actually be a benefit to have him bringing the ball out from the back instead of Tierney

    Neither has anyone until they first play there. As I alluded to previously, Tierney was thrown in there at home to England having never played there before. He done fine. 


    The physicality point is nonsense. Tierney and Robertson are the same height, and KT is certainly not stronger. He's built like a rake. You seriously trying to tell me there's any significant physical strength divide between these two people? Come off it







    The stats show Robertson wins a SIGNIFICANTLY higher percentage of aerial duals  per 90 than Tierney. Before any of you claim that thats because Tierney has been targeted with long balls when he played at CB, this is only counting games played at LB





    Surely that stat shows they've won exactly the same number?

    Robertson has 'lost' fewer, whatever that means if you're not winning them.  Some sort of draw I suppose.

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