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Everything posted by renton

  1. Suomi satellite image of earth at night Pretty cool
  2. Wee bugger better be fit, hale and hearty for saturday.
  3. I disagree. We are all in this to some extent. And if we are all going down - sooner or later - let it be that we were there for each other. Maybe it's futile but we have a duty as fans who understand what supporting a team is to do what we can. If we abandon the collective idea of supporting each other, if we decide only to help ourselves even if that wont ultimately help - then we give yp on what scottish football is about. I really dont like the pars but I'll be damned if if i dont give back to those fans who helped us oit when the shite happened.
  4. Depends on who you are referencing against: If you look at the current crop vs the likes of Byrce, Tam graham, Wedderburn, Dingwall etc - then the current mob are at the very least better coached, if not more talented. The fact is that they, for the most part, look comfortable at our current level where the likes of Bryce and Wedderburn struggled a division lower.
  5. The boy Watson seems to score every reserve game as well.
  6. Lewis Vaughn has had a couple of appearances on the bench lately - had 5 minutes at the end of last season against Morton as well.
  7. 'cos we're extra hard. Having said that, assuming Clarke and Spence work even a little bit well together, there is no way Graham will start.
  8. Well, I honestly thought the last two games playing three up fornt wasn't working. Clarke and Spence weren't getting close enough to Graham to support him when we had the ball and weren't getting wide enough to cover the other teams full backs when we didn't. It's a shame to have him out, but at least Graham has solved that problem for Murray at least! I'd be more worried if I didn't think Greig Spence was good for scoring in just about every game.....
  9. Straight red for violent conduct, is that not an automatic 3 game suspension that covers league games as well?
  10. Does make you wonder what some people are seeing though, and if they are capable of critical thinking based on past observation, I mean, there are species of molluscs that have shown that ability. To describe Murray's teams as negative is to ignore the times he's gone with two out and out wingers, a right back that likes to push on and a captain always making late runs into the box frm his central midfield position. We are scoring plenty. Definitely not perfect, and obiously there is room for improvement within the limitations of the players available to him, but to describe them as negative is just taking a fresh air swipe at trying to diagnose what the issues are.
  11. We've tried that before with Davidson and Silvestro, and then later with Davidson and A.N. Other, it never works. We'll just end up with a midfield sitting deeper than than the marianas trench, unable to support the rest of the team.
  12. Old age mocks us all. Liking REM is merely the outside symptom of a personality converging towards the middle ground. Gone are the firebrand politics nad socialist newsletters - it's the Observer from now on in kiddo
  13. I lived on campus there in my fresher's year back in 03/04 - it's fine. There is a pretty good bus service into town at all hours so you don't really miss out on the Edinburgh night life, although you'll maybe have quite a narrow experience of Edinburgh until you hit second year and end up living in town. The union was not too bad and in some respects being stuck all out there means you end up knowing a lot more people than you otherwise might, at least for a while. Overall it was a pretty good experience.
  14. Wilson, Callachan and Laidlaw? At 16 he'd have to have been really special to get into the first team. No doubt a lot of potential and if hes any good we'll likely see him again in a couple of years anyway....
  15. Fucking brilliant Would be a surreal experience wathcing us on tv rather than at the ground, and with the game being in Glasgow, I have no excuse not to go.....
  16. Yeah I remember that game well, how the hell we contrived to lose that is beyond me.
  17. Looking back on it, that was a fantastic side we had then....
  18. Yup, should maybe think about giving Lewis Vaughn some game time as well and start Spence up front.
  19. Effective home game for me, I'm happy enough with that. Would rather we just started treating the Ramsden's with the contempt it deserves and stick out a few of the reserves for this one though.
  20. You'd be surprised, it's entirely possible to get through an electrical engineering degree without needing to use the SI unit for luminance. I really can't remember using it, you can get by most optics with joules and Watts from an electrical engineer's point of view. Having said that, I worry about the state of Strathclyde's engineering department anyway.....
  21. Duffy reckons the Rovers would be in a better position to offer him a deal? Doubt it somehow!
  22. Me too, although it's fair to say that Murray is still very much in the McGlynn mode. We look somewhat better on the eye than we did but I wonder how much that is a conscious attempt to change our style of play and how much it is to do with the change in playing staff over the summer. The balance in the midfield, particularly the middle, is far, far better for example, and that's everything to do with S. Anderson's better positional sense, good ball retention and short passing ability enabling Walker to push on, move the ball about and get into positions to support the stikers. Add to that two fit and able strikers (which we didn't have at this time last year) and a fully fit Dougie Hill and you can see why we have got off to a decent start.
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