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Everything posted by renton

  1. If all other forces were cancelled out he would remain motionless with respect to the spaceship, but obviously still moving at orbital velocities with repsect to earth. However if he's rocheted off of something he'll have been imparted with some kinetic energy and be moving relative to the axis upon which that force was imparted to him. There have only ever been a couple of flights with the AMU, the famous 'jet pack' that was used in the mid 80s and then abandoned. The vast majority of space flights in history have been tethered through an umbilical, and many of those have fed air and cooling water directly through the umbilical.
  2. Absolute zero is -276 degrees C, due to the laws of thermodynamics this value can never be reached. Space generally is around -273 degrees. That's due to the cosmic background radiation transfering energy to the (mostly) sparse hydrogen aprticles in the void. The IR radiation eminating from the sun does not heat up space because there are very few particles in space to transfer this energy to. A guy inside a space ship or a pace suit close to the sun will perceive heat, becuase the IR from the sun transfers into the astronaut's matter, the suit, the air inside the suit, his own body. Likewise in the depths of space at -273 a spaceship will radiate heat - radiation is a terribly inefficient way to transfer energy but a spacecraft will still do so, hence why the spacecraft needs heaters and insulation in addition to being hermetically sealed from the vacuum. One point about radiation as a means of transfering energy: You won't freeze to death in space. You will freeze, but that's not going to be what kills you. Likewise you won't explode in space, as the presusre drop is ultimately from 1 atmosphere to 0, the human body will survive this (unlike a pressure drop from 8 atmospheres to 1, see the Byford Dolphin diving bell incident if you have a strong stomach) your blood will begin to boil off, your eyeballs wil lfreeze and your lungs will collapse (unless you exhale all air form your lungs prior to vacuum exposure) no, mostly, you'll merely asphyxiate to death....
  3. It wasn't the van allen belt that stopped the Soviets. It was a combination of their lack of hours of spaceflight to build epxerience and relaiblity in their procedures and equipment, and most of all, the lack of a reliable heavy booster. Whatever lead the Soviets had in 'milestones' in space i.e. first in space, first spacewalk - the US completely destroyed them in terms of hours in space. Even Ed White's first spacewalk was twice as long as Leonov's. Most of the rest of the Gemini flights all had spacewalks of increasing complexity. Gemini was an impressive programme, in it's 12 flights (10 manned, two unmanned) it proved every fundamental required for lunar flight in terms of flight duration, crew well being, the ability to work in a vacuum, manual navigation, docking with other spacecraft in orbit...... That one programme completely overloaded the Soviet attempts to keep up. Even more impressive was the 'all up' testing of the Saturn stages for Apollo: between Apollo 2 and 6 the US was able to demonstrate sufficient relaiblity for all the Saturn stages in one go. By 1968 the Soviets were just beginning to roll out the first of their heavy boosters: in order to see off the challenge the US front loaded a lot of mission objectives into Apollos 8 and 9 - the former had the first use of the Saturn V stage, the first use of the SPS engine to secure Lunar orbit - the latter had to demonstrate that the LM could be used, that flying the command module solo was doable, that the ground controllers could work with two seperate spacecraft at any given time. Basically, once the US ramped up their industry into the space programme, they were always going to win.
  4. Alpha Centuari isn't a binary system, it's a tertiary system, of the three stars Proxima is the closest to us, and used to be considered a system in it's own right.
  5. Were there not a couple of Agathe backed french lads at Stirling a couple of years back? I don't think they ever really got going either.
  6. Murray admitted as much a couple of weeks back that he hadn't talked to Walker, on a tight budget I'd guess he's prioritising and Walker is not top priority, he's free of course to find another club, that's up to him. We know that Cardle has been offered terms, and that Murray has also approached Liam Fox, so it may be that he's waiting to see who else signs up, and who else he needs to negotiate with.
  7. It's eye catching and with Falkirk and Dundee both having Puma shirts as well it makes sense to have something a bit different.
  8. http://www.raithrovers.net/9017/201314-kit-revealed.htm I like it. Just need a few players to fill it now.
  9. I have a few good mates who are St Johnstone fans, who reckon May has been offered a two year deal by Lomas, he'd likely accept you'd think. Might be interesting to see if he goes out on loan again though. Would like to see us sign Fox, and if we could hang onto Cardle then that would give us a real attacking boost. I definitely want us to hang onto Spence, Thomson, G. Anderson (or just Anderson these days I guess) and McGurn. Mensing can still offer us something if we have a more energetic midfield in front of him. Jury is out on Walker, and god knows what Clarke will do.
  10. That's early for us. Luckily Murray and Ellis are still registered players or we'd struggle to find anyone to model them.....
  11. Assuming we take that as gospel: Graham was going to be 2nd or 3rd choice striker at Morton whereas for us he became one of our top paid players in a much smaller squad (McG tried to get by with a squad of 13 senior players before relenting and bringing in Thomson, Clarke, Casalinouvo and the young Hearts guys). I do think Morton can pay their players more, but there is probably an overlap between the two teams in terms of what can be paid, and also in how the players are valued. John McGlynn clearly thought Graham was worth a lot more than Allan Moore, and given that he wouldv'e been behind McDonald and Jackson, it wasn't worth Moore's time or money to offer him more than he did I'd guess.
  12. No worries, it should be noted that Dyer was one of our higher earning players, and apparently got a hike in wages to go to Morton. It just goes to show that you probably can't make an assessement of a team's overall budget from one player.
  13. Or, to look at it another way, our top earners make more money than your low end earners, it could all be relative to where we see the importance of that player with repsect to our own squad. Entirely conjectural but I don't think it's as black and white as you make out.
  14. if we got Fox and Cardle, or two equivalent type players we'd still be shy of two strikers, cover for the full back and a centre half.
  15. How much money was Hammill actually on????? To be fair, of the three strikers from last season, Graham is going and we have only put a concrete offer on the table to Spence. Graham, bare in mind, was signed two years ago, and would've been on a higher pay scale (signed before the last rounds of budget cuts) as well (same with Hammill). You can't blame him for wanting to stay where he is, a young guy with not to many things to tie him down I'd guess, his career isn't all about money yet, and Morton, based on last year's finish offer a better chance of him making the step up to the SPL than we currently do. On the other hand, when you look at the fact that Murray has made offers to Archie campbell, Liam Fox and Joe cardle, you have to be slightly cheered at the quality of the targets so far, even if he has missed out this time.
  16. Maybe so. It coudl be that Murray is trying to cut back where he can in the rest of the Rovers team in order to secure a couple of bigger signings. We've freed up one full time wage from Joe Hammill and part time wages for Malone and S.Anderson so far, replacing them with guys from the youth team as well as holding back on offering Clarke (previously full time) and obviously about to lose Graham. That's assuming the rest of our current squad signs on. The fact that Murray looks to be making a serious attempt to hold on to Joe Cardle could suggest that we are trying to bring in an extra bit of quality to the side, and Campbell would've fit the bill. However, the fact that Morton are holding most of last year's squad together, then that is surely attractive to campbell. We were midtable mediocrity, and are probably holding out for that again this year. So it's little wonde rthat campbell would stay put.
  17. Source? I'd be massively surprised if we were offering more money for anyone than most of the division, let alone Morton. Half our squad is part time for fucksakes.
  18. Ah, scratch that, courtesy of Vinnie on fantalk: Makes you wonder if Murray is willing to use any wage for Clarke to bolster his chances of keeping Cardle.....
  19. The online FFP hasn't updated yet, and being and Edinburgh based guy, i don't ge tthe actual paper - Does it say anyhting aobut the likes of Spence being offered anything?
  20. Pretty much my thoughts. Murray is being smart if he intends on using Claachan, Donaldson and Vaughn more (and the first two as regulars) given that they will probably be cheaper (Donaldson and vaughn already under contract, I doubt Callachan could commmand a big contract or attnetion elsewhere) that means he is freeing up money to try and attract better than what he already had in several positions.
  21. He was up against a very decent, very fast player out on that side that day, and while he got left for toast a couple of times, he got a lot better with his positioning as the game wore on (and compare to our other recent left backs, malone and Dyer, neither of whom were any faster than Donaldson). Against Livi he was very good, to say he isn't progressing is wrong. He still has stuff to learn but overall he is getting better and already looks tehcnically able enough to compete in the first.
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