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Everything posted by SANTAN

  1. I'd urge you to also not chuck away your vote. To really spite that spineless perennial loser Sturgeon then vote Conservatives. Double down on doing a lot of good.
  2. Not much has changed here. Looooool. Apart from my area and plenty of others being lurched into the worst tier as some blanket wide approach when we have practically f**k all cases where I stay.
  3. That's very generous of you to flesh out his point in a way better than he had. You could definitely say his language was dismissive and saying it was only the Tories isn't correct or accurate but of course is a tangent, I don't disagree with the wider point.
  4. Lol I mean the past 10 years. Since farage popped up and gained traction, the UKIP local elections and them getting a singular MP was significant to the overall conversation.
  5. Absolute codswallop. From the MSM to UKIP, the only topic of discussion pre Brexit was Brexit. This wasn't being pushed by the Conservatives mainly.
  6. Tom Miller gets eternal pass marks for coining "Ulster Gazelle"
  7. I don't often get given the chance tbf but I get the sentiment.
  8. I know someone that wore a mask before it was compulsory when nobody else was and they were very much on their high horse about it and then as soon as it became compulsory they stopped wearing one and cited medical reasons. What's aw that about??
  9. If this is referring to me I wouldn't say I align to any political party, I've been raised Labour and prefer them generally speaking when they're not run by someone like Corbyn, I don't believe that Conservatives despise my values at all, I certainly feel like some SNP types do though. Maintaining the Union is certainly the main issue that would swing my vote, funny that a bunch of people who probably vote along Indy lines are trying to say it's fickle to vote for single issue things. Lol.
  10. ^^^ This is not where I intended this thread to go...
  11. Not that it's worth much but my personal anecdotal hardcore Yoon perspective is I'd never vote for Corbyn but could vote Keir if they confirmed they were deffo pro Union and alright with Brexit however due to the voting system there's no credible Labour candidates in my constituency so I'd be forced to choose Tory/SNP/Lib Dem.
  12. I've come round to the same conclusion as yourself and to be fair you may have missed it but I did apologise for the post in which you quoted.
  13. I appreciate your sincere attempts to debate but I'll be brutally honest, I'm too pished to adequately respond right now, I will do so tomorrow but please appreciate 90% of my dismissive takes occur when people do similar to my points and disregard them instantly as they perceive me in a certain fashion, for those people I will always respond as equally crudely or dismissive but I think it's unfair to say that I am so with sincere debates.
  14. I have no crypto anymore, funnily enough I bought the dip perfectly just didn't have the patience to HODL... I love how you say a few $BTC like that's not at least 30K lol. I made a couple of hundred pounds, which is good for me, after buying Chainlink and Tezos earlier in the year. I've still checked in every so often and by god I'm feeling salty of late! I am someone that bought disgusting amounts of $DRGN and $MTC though.. Congrats on the success though, love to hear it.
  15. He looks more like Shergar. It must be slightly tough going from a comedian to presenting a day time TV quiz show, at least he's not squaring up to 12 year old celtc fans anymore!
  16. You could be correct. I personally think people are only expressing a quick poll worthy answer rather than how they would necessarily vote in an actual referendum, the whole lead with the heart over the brain conundrum but I acknowledge I might be wrong. We shall see.
  17. Excellent post. As a Unionist the destruction of Scottish Labour is annoying for me. I would see myself as a centrist that would happily vote Labour over Conservative generally speaking but I am put in the position where I need to vote for Conservatives to protect the Union as I can't trust that Labour will do so and there's a lot of Scottish people that have been put into that awkward position also and I fully appreciate that some Scottish people that may be pro Unionist sentiments can't bring themselves to vote for the Tories and have therefore opted for SNP or Lib Dems/Greens whilst also not being fully in support of SI. If Labour supported Indy I think we may have seen it by now.
  18. I've trolled before as I'm sure you have. I voted Remain yet have supported Leave for a long time. "Ignore him"
  19. Yeah you could be right, I'm not denying the existence of these polls or how good they look to SI voters I'm just not as worried by them as some others may be. I could be wrong, I'm sure most people here think I am wrong when I say I believe if there was a referendum on the table then in that time and during the debate those numbers would start coming a lot closer to the actual results of the last referendum.
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