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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. I think it's a combination of both. Had Raith had won on Saturday they would have played a much different team and formation tonight. We have had a helping hand.
  2. Im forever wondering if you'll make a coherent and interesting post on one of the threads. Swings and roundabouts.
  3. Struggling to find anyone that's seething. Good witty stock response from you though.Not sure why we would be seething anyway - we will have the cigars out during the play offs while Lennon is orchestrating your defeat to Morton.
  4. Has the term of the deal been announced? Would be surprised if it was longer than the end of the season. I thought he would continue with the 21s for a couple of years.
  5. Went to view these and just realised Lee Mair has blocked me. He must go about blocking people who slag Herbalife. What a pathetic man.
  6. But Hearts aren't doing that? They aren't just allowing a charity to use their strip. They are being paid handsomely for the privilege.
  7. Silly me. Every club should follow that approach tbh.
  8. To do it so comfortably for four seasons is commendable. Normally part time teams are successful for a couple of years before they lose all of their best players to full time teams. This isn't a dig but do you guys think you have any real superstars in the team that could move up a level? I don't mean move to a Raith but up to the top flight? From the outside looking in it looks like you have a fantastic squad - supplemented with a couple of key loan signings - as opposed to a couple of superstars. I always rated Turner but he seems to have gone off the boil. Surely this is the summer Muzza will be away. SURELY.
  9. My aunties sister runs that particular Poppy Factory and she knows for a fact it was never paid in its entirety.
  10. Neither is ripping off Lady Haig Poppy Factory m8.
  11. What's ethically sound about receiving 7 figures to allow a charity to advertise on your shirts?
  12. You should play your under 20s on Saturday. Give us a chance of nicking a draw.
  13. You could lose every game 10-0 between now and the end of the season and still be safe by 5+ points.
  14. What a ludicrous viewpoint. You were never, ever, going to finish in the top 3 this season and currently you are best of the rest. You have played some really good football and now you want rid of your manager? For a more 'expeienced guy' like who? Queens fans were the same with JM before his move. Surely, even if you finished 6th Fowler desrves a chance to really build his own team next season. Your wage budget must be far lower than Falkirk's and not massively greater than Raith's.
  15. Handling always seems to get called up despite being gash, almost too old so never going to progress further and not even getting a game for Hibs. Strange one.
  16. Wouldn't be jealous of us this season. A 0-0 draw with Rangers hardly makes a season worthwhile.
  17. Dem chins. Seriously though, Alloa fans should be concerned about the influence their chairman is having over the club. Seems clear to me thats why Smith walked away with a final looming.
  18. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he will be utterly useless.
  19. Sounds like he's been making signings when a manager was in place as well. That's half the problem.
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