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Everything posted by killienick

  1. Who is Brian? ETA: Insert joke here.
  2. I though he might turn out to be Jaqen. Probably not.
  3. I always thought that it was inferred Syrio was a faceless man and is probably still alive?
  4. Taylor looked brilliant in those 2 games. However, Barbour looked good when he came through so I'll reserve judgement. Willie Gibson, Davie Bagon, Alex Burke, Matthew Kennedy......
  5. I think, as someone said earlier, this is when a certain long lost character will make a miraculous appearance.
  6. Loved that film. When I told my brother in law about it he thought I said Robot Anne Frank and instantly imagined a sci-fi epic where a young dutch cyborg defeats the Nazis.
  7. There are so many possibilities to the Bran reveal. I think he just became the most important character in the show. Forget R+L=J.
  8. They're not particularly well informed at the moment, as far as they know Theon is still at Winterfell. Would they not just head for the Wall and to where they believe Jon to be?
  9. Legend 5/10 Mixed bag of a film. Two excellent performances from Hardy but the film is let down by some far weaker supporting characters. It's a fresher take on the Kray's story and shies away from focusing too much on the violence and extortion etc but instead tries to focus on the contrasting nature of the 2 brothers. The film fails for me because it is too predictable due to the nature of the protagonists and there is really no-one to care for. Most characters are thoroughly dislikeable. Even Reg's wife is so thinly characterised that her plight isn't the emotional payoff it should be. Hardy is brilliant though.
  10. Some of them are great. The ones where both elements are written under drawdown rules and the policy can be switched between the two offer excellent value. The death benefits are also much better with these products.
  11. What they should tell people is that it's the only time in your life that you want people to think that you are on death's door.
  12. You'd need way more than that for a 10k annuity at the moment. (depends though on your age, health and death benefit choices) Annuity rates are closer to 3%-4% at the moment so for £170k you'd get closer to £6,800 per year at the high end or £5,100 at the lower. Even if you managed to get 5%, (which you won't), you are still only getting an annuity of £8,500. (That would die with you unless you bought death benefits which can reduce the income substantially). You basically want to be single with a terminal illness because that's the only way you are getting a good annuity rate until gilt yields, (and a few other factors), change.
  13. He may not have been qualified in the Mortgages and Property sector and therefore wouldn't know about that type of investment. It's an entirely different qualification that you don't need to be an IFA. (Just a guess though). Hargreaves can be good but can also be ridiculously expensive if your aren't using them to their full potential. This would possibly be the case if you are only investing in trackers as there is far less 'active management' involved however I can't comment fully not knowing your specific circumstances though. You may also be able to share deal elsewhere depending on what you are buying and the quantities and you can always transfer these in-specie into your SIPP - it could be a cheaper option because there can be a big disparity in dealing charges. Sounds like you've got it under control though
  14. Why is financial advisers in commas? Most advisers won't charge you for a consultation but you will pay a fee for advice. There has to be a proven cause and effect to justify the fee which is entirely negotiable. If you don't think the service is worth it, don't pay it. ETA to say: The on-going fee also has to be justified. Were you offered a portfolio which would be monitored on-going within risk tolerances and performance expectations? Were you offered annual reviews to check if your circumstances have changed? All of this falls under the on-going fee. If you don't think that you are getting value for money you can switch this off at any time. The chap who worked for your solicitor may not have been an independent financial adviser. He may have been a tied adviser which is an entirely different ball game to an IFA.
  15. If you are looking for a cheap as chips option that you can set up yourself, then the L&G Stakeholder will take you 10 minutes to set up.
  16. There are some excellent Retirement Income tools out there for advisers where they can input your pension, your contributions, your savings and property etc. They then account for inflation, average growth, life expectancy and then project how long your income will last. You can then tailor the tools to work out how much you should put away now in order to achieve the sum you are looking for.
  17. When you get your annual statement you should check a few things. What is your AMC? If you are paying 1% or more then you are probably paying too much as there are companies who will house a pension for 0.3%-0.4%. What funds are you in? Most pensions are placed in one size fits all funds but why would a 20 year old have the same risk profile or time scale objectives as a 60 year old. If you don't want to visit a financial adviser then you should try to find a risk profiler online to gauge your understanding of investments and your tolerance to risk. What are your fund charges? If the charges for your funds averages out at much more than 1% then you are being charged too much and you should move. You should also try to build a diverse portfolio which traverses all asset classes, geographies and sectors to give you diversification in your portfolio if possible. Is there commission on the plan to the person who set it up? Some plans have latent commission being paid to someone you have likely never met for the privilege of having set the plan up. You can switch this off - it may be as much as 0.5%. What are your time weighted and money weighted returns? i.e. are you making money or is it just your contribution that are pushing the value up? The best advice if unsure would be to visit a Financial Adviser who can analyse you, your tax situation and the costs/benefits of your scheme in line with your objectives. This generally pays for itself many times over if they transfer you to a better scheme which is cheaper, better performing and more suited to your needs. There are many more things to consider but the above should give you a good idea as to what your pension is really costing you and what you are getting in return.
  18. The Freys had a comeuppance signposted more than once during the show. The crimes of The Red Wedding are deemed to be amongst the worst you can commit and the various lines throughout the show about killing a guest under your roof were fairly obviously pointing to a gruesome end to that house. This mantra was repeated several times and by several different people and seemed almost to be a curse of sorts. I may be wrong but everything seems to point to them having broken an unbreakable rule in the eyes of the Gods etc and their fate is pre-determined.
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