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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Good luck to him and welcome to Motherwell FC. I don't imagine we'll see Heneghan returning any time soon and I have no problem with that. I'm glad that the days of re-signing ex players seem to be behind us.
  2. I'm actually pretty chuffed with Nadir Ciftci signing and think he will do well for us. I am confident that whatever happens he will be a better option up front than Fisher, Bowman or Tanner.
  3. I see Rangers transfer business and proposed transfer business has the usual nuggets foaming at the mouth. Well done Mr Murty, keep it up Sir.
  4. Good luck to Stevie Hammell in his new role and thanks for a wonderful career with us where he gave us his best years. I doubt we will see another player chalk up so many appearances as he did. He was an excellent player for us, wonderful touch, good crossing ability and in his younger days had a fair bit of pace about him. I remember him breaking into the side in the year 2000 as an 18 year old and even then you knew he had something about him and when we lost our then regular left back, Stephen McMillan, a year later the void was easily filled. Hammell was a stalwart in some very good Motherwell teams as well as some really poor ones and even today, he is still the best left back at the club! The only thing he could have done more in his time with us was win some silverware, but the same could be said of any number of Motherwell greats over the years. The word 'legend' is thrown about far too easily, but in Stevie Hammell's case it is fully merited. Almost 600 club appearances over two spells, in almost 18 years with the club, played in Europe, two Cup Finals and one of the first names on the teamsheet every week during that time. He has been a much better servant to Motherwell FC than the fanboys favourite James McFadden in my opinion and hopefully he will go on to have a better coaching experience with the club than McFadden did too.
  5. Good luck to Jamie Murphy if this move does indeed happen. He's a cracking player at this level and did well in his time at Fir Park, he deserves a big move. Obviously many 'Well fans won't be happy to see him join Rangers but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'd much rather see him at Rangers than Aberdeen, Hearts or Celtic to name but a few. It'll be a sore one to see him playing against us mind you.
  6. Just what we need, another forward who doesn't score goals. Obviously best of luck to the lad but his stats and accounts from supporters of his previous clubs don't sound encouraging.
  7. I fully accept that Kipre is a youngster and that's why it is unrealistic and unfair on him to expect him to play week in week out and not expect a dip. We've been there before with David Clarkson when he was a youngster. Kipre though has most definitely cost us goals and points, think Hibs home and away, Hearts away and looked woefully out of depth in both the semi and the final. He needs to work on his concentration and positional sense and keeping him in the firing line isn't going to help with that. I'm by no means writing him off quite yet, but there are worrying signs there.
  8. The last month has been a 'Perfect Storm' for us in terms of fixtures (Celtic twice, away to Hearts, Partick, Killie and Rangers) and several key players missing through injury. That said our points return in that same time has been nowhere near good enough and we really should have been taking at least something in at least some of the away matches we've played. Without Moult in the side we are toothless and our entire final third play is totally ineffective. We did well to pick up so many points earlier in the season even when not playing well but our ball retention has been dreadful throughout the campaign yet we got away with it because we had an effective tactic of playing it over the top to a very good front man who could not only bag us goals but could hold up play and allowed us to build attacks. There are some players in that team who just aren't good enough at this level, namely Fisher, Tanner and Rose and at least one of them should be moved on asap. Then you have Bowman who isn't a prolific scorer but has the ability to be a good foil for one, sadly we've lost the only one we had. That will need to be addressed in January. As for Cedric Kipre? The more I see of him the more I'm inclined to think of him as the 'Central defensive Eliphas Shivute'. A player who in flashes shows something, has a cracking name and is a bit of a cult hero with the support, but in reality he is an absolute bombscare who is actually considerably out of his depth and costs us goals and points. Not what we need at this level and he is due at the very least a lengthy spell on the bench. Finally our captain, Carl McHugh. He has been awful all season and is completely wasteful in possession. Not good enough. I like Stephen Robinson and he's turned the club around in more ways than one this season, but starting from Saturday he has one massive month ahead of him.
  9. No surprises given their previous and no surprise that this wasn't reported anywhere by any media outlet, Celtic's PR team will have made sure this was kept quiet. Motherwell FC however should have highlighted this at the time and there was no excuse for them not to.
  10. Best wishes and many thanks to Louis Moult, he deserves his move and we are netting a decent fee for him considering he is out of contract in the summer. For us though he will be a big, big loss and if we are to avoid a major struggle in the second half of the season then we need a replacement to be signed in January.
  11. Louis Moult ruled out for up to a month due to a hamstring injury apparently. I know he's moe than likely away in January anyway but with the schedule we've got over Christmas then this is an absolute hammer blow for us and don't try to kid yourself otherwise. I seriously think we could struggle to pick up more than two points in December.
  12. Until McInnes goes to Rangers then Aberdeen go for him as the replacement, they have previous for this kind of thing.
  13. That's a possibility, Alex Fisher hasn't impressed so far and appears to lack confidence but the same could have been said of Bowman last season and he has come on a fair bit this season. I think Robinson & Lasley are good at getting the best out of players and hopefully they can work on Fisher in time.
  14. Hopefully we'll get a decent fee for him if he does indeed go in the transfer window, which I think he will and hopefully he'll move down south as I don't want to see him playing against us, especially for the likes of Aberdeen. His performances in the League Cup games against Aberdeen and Rangers will hopefully add a bit more onto any bid we get.
  15. Fair play to the club for releasing that statement and highlighting that Victim FC's support have yet again caused significant damage to the south stand. Celtic have and still do get away with murder in this country because no one wants to stand up to them so we'll done to the club for speaking out. That statement alone won't make much difference in the grand scheme of things but it might just encourage other clubs do start speaking up about Celtic, their manipulation and their supporters inability to behave like civilised human beings. I fully expect Celtic's cheerleaders to be all over this tomorrow and no doubt St.Brendan will be giving a head shaking, hand wringing sermon which they will all lap up, but if this upsets the applecart even just slightly then that is a good thing.
  16. Old Firm pandering perhaps, given how we handled the Rangers playoff allocation two years ago. But Celtic pandering? Not a chance sadly. We may not give them the entire Cooper anymore but we allow their support to swan all over the ground and the associated clubs and suites acting however they want. And if that's not bad enough we get a high profile Celtic supporting MP to do a half time draw and give him a platform to talk of his love of Celtic and how he hopes they win the match. This is OUR home ground, OUR home game and so therefore the match day experience should be catered for OUR own entertainment, not cosying up to a club who treat us with contempt and rolling out the red carpet to them to piss on whilst laughing at us. Rule number one in life - give skeelit chancers an inch and they will take a mile, so give them absolutely nothing. The club have improved on the PR and fan relations front significantly over the past year and for that they deserve credit, but there are still some things we can improve on and last night's half time stunt was a major own goal which I hope never, ever happens again.
  17. I cannot fire the life of me fathom why this was even considered let alone allowed to happen. It's not as if it's not reasonably well known where Sheridan's football allegiances lie (although one look at him would all but confirm it tbh) so what in the name of sanity possessed us to bring him out at half time, Celtic scarf and all. It's bad enough being shafted on the park by Celtic without the club inviting one of their high profile fans to do it off the park.
  18. Scott Brown - a self satisfied arsehole who knows he will never be sent off in Scottish football no matter what, and just in case the referee steps out of line and actually does produce a red card in his rubber faced, bug-eyed puss then it'll only be a couple of days before Lawwell flexes his muscles and gets the ban overturned whilst getting the rest of the match officials in to warn them of their place and to kiss Brown's boots. Leigh Griffiths - see brown but not quite to the same extent. Goading and gesturing at other supports is perfectly acceptable as Thumbheid has discovered since turned up and was taken to a 'How to be a real sellic man' lecture by Neil Lennon on how to act however you want then greet about it when anyone understandably reacts. I think it's safe to say it worked on him. Scott Sinclair - cheat. Callum McGregor - cheat Brian Laudrup - Why was he so good?
  19. Alan Burrows was far more courteous and accomodating to that cretin than most in his position would be I'd imagine. Apart from being extremely unfair and harsh in his criticism of the situation he got personal in his abuse which was totally uncalled for and had Burrows basically told him to bolt and not had any further conversation with him then I doubt anyone would have blamed him.
  20. We have rode our luck on a few occasions this season, most notably the Ross County game at Fir Park, the Cup Semi Final and even the Accies game where we were poor for the most part but still won. However as a team we have most definitely improved on last season and as a result there is a much better mood around the club as a while and the players actually look as though they are enjoying their football, something which just wasn't the case last season. You can argue that we were perhaps unlucky at times last season but I think it's fair to say that we were on the whole absolutely awful for the most part and it was an absolutely turgid campaign. We had a squad filled up with aging players in their second and in some cases, third and fourth spells at the club, mixed with utter garbage like Zak Jules & Craig Clay who couldn't string two wins in a row until MAY! We also had a manager for the majority of the season who was no good for us whatsoever and his massively inflated ego contributed greatly to our downfall. Ya Bezzer! correctly points out that we went from top six in early January to a sticky situation by the end of the season but you have to look at the turning point here. Where and when was this? In my opinion it was 100% at Ibrox in the Scottish Cup in January when we lost 2-1 to two late goals. On paper that sounds unfortunate, but we were dire that day and were set up to take the game to a replay until Moult puts us ahead against the run of play before our late collapse. Bad enough, but our manager then takes to national TV/radio to tell the world that it's the worst he's ever felt in 900 games and that he feels hollow and he can't even look at the players and basically puts the entire team bar McDonald right under the bus taking no responsibility whatsoever. It was no coincidence whatsoever that our performances and form nosedived dramatically from this point onwards and we would go on to lose 7-2 and 5-1(at HOME) within the next five weeks. Stephen Robinson had a tough, tough job to do to keep us up last season due to the shambles his predecessor left us in and he just did enough and has made some good progress this season, on and off the park. His summer transfer dealings were far more astute than our business the previous year and he seems to instill confidence in the team. Yes he's made mistakes but he is relatively inexperienced but I see nothing to suggest we are not now moving in the right direction.
  21. I even remember the days where we did really well in the league, second best only to Celtic indeed, yet for some reason just couldn't or didn't turn up in Cup games. This meant we had to suffer watching the likes of St.Mirren & Kilmarnock winning domestic honours all whilst we were being pumped out by Albion Rovers etc. Well I wouldn't swap a League Cup win or indeed even our run this season beating Aberdeen then Rangers for one of those seasons where we qualified for the utter dross that is the Europa League qualifiers only to be humped by some nonentity from the armpit of eastern Europe. The feeling we've had about this Cup run, the buzz, the excitement at scudding Aberdeen then going to Hampden and humiliating Rangers to reach a National Cup Final has been brilliant and has reinvigorated my love of football and dare I say it, that of many other Well fans. THIS is what it's all about...preparing for a Cup Final which puts us 90 minutes away from winning Silverware (slim as that chance is given the opponents, I do concede) not contesting some European qualifier against a side no one has ever heard of in a competition we are never going to make a scratch in.
  22. My concern with Kipre all season and in particular of late is that he looks badly exposed in his position. I'm wondering if a set up with Cadden protecting him on the right like that in the final would be to his and our benefit as if we are honest, we defend the way we have done over the past few games and Celtic will murder us. If we are to stand any chance in the final we need to do everything we can to negate Celtic's wide players like Roberts, Sinclair & Tierney on the flanks. We were lucky against Rangers in the semi that they couldn't punish us even though they got plenty of joy down our right side in the first half but Celtic will be a different kettle of fish altogether. I honestly think that our best chance is that we shut up shop and try and take them to penalties but we will need to be far more defensively sound than of late to have any chance of that.
  23. We've come on leaps and bounds this season but our fixture list between now and January is horrible and a dip in form can't be ruled out. Away to Aberdeen, away to Hearts, away to Rangers, home and away to Celtic all before the end of 2017 and it'll be a tough ask to pick up points from that set of fixtures. I think if the money is right then Moult will be sold regardless whenever the offer comes in to be honest.
  24. I actually love Stephen Robinson. He has completely transformed us on the pitch and improved our mentality tenfold. He never accepts defeat with a shrug of the shoulders no matter who the opposition and has instilled a winning mentality in us, something we have lacked for God knows how long. For all McCall did well for us, we would never have won today, or against Aberdeen in the Quarters, with him in charge. SR was absolutely loving it at the end today, absolutely loving it.
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