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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Our recruitment policy for both managers and players tends to be English lower leagues, ala Gannon, Baraclough and McCall, or reverting to previous employees ala McGhee, McFadden and several players. In this case, I would really like to see us getting an experienced head in to steady the ship, similar to Craig Brown on the back of Gannon. Ideally we get someone in with a sound background of the Scottish game, like Calderwood. We should not even be considering a Valakari, Nijholt, Faddy appointment just now as we need experience.
  2. I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again. Jimmy Calderwood is who we should be looking at.
  3. Good riddance to that arrogant, pig headed, self important, media darling, Celtic loving w**k. I, like many other Well fans did not want him anywhere near the job the last time we were looking for a manager after his conduct and attitude towards us in his previous spell and he did nothing during his return to change my feelings towards him. I can honestly say that I have never felt more disconnected with the club than I have since McGhee was allowed to return as the man was nothing but a permanent embarrassment to the club and he treated the job and the club with contempt. Fair play to the board, I did not think they would have sacked him but they did so well done for doing the right thing. I will not miss that man being involved with my club.
  4. About time they had a voice of reason on that forum. Maybe I'll start posting there again.
  5. Surely even the biggest McGhee supporters can't defend him after today's debacle. With us losing 5-1 at home to Dundee and fans protesting against him, his position is now untenable. McGhee OUT.
  6. If we're seriously planning to use Faddy as a player more then I truly despair.
  7. The Cup draws this season - Rangers in both Cups, away to Celtic in the League Cup - certainly didn't help matters, especially given we got hammered against Celtic and shot ourselves in the foot twice against Rangers, so having no Cup runs yet again certainly did nothing to help our season. Add to that we haven't been able to get any sort of positive run going at any point this season and the football we are playing is utterly dire. We have a manager who works on basically a part time basis and shows zero ambition against any side that is or that he perceives to be stronger than us and his lineups and set ups reflect this. And the least said about his attitude and some of his bonkers, ridiculous comments in the press the better. All in all it's just been a poor, poor season for us, and the frightening thing is that we could yet sleepwalk ourselves into the playoffs or worse.
  8. The playoff final went a long, long way to covering up for how bad a season we had had beforehand. That season was an absolute cluster f**k for the club, on and off the park, right from the word go, but the nature of the playoff win and who it was against naturally meant that we look back on it in a different light. This season has been just turgid and McGhee and his attitude has done nothing to help matters. Oh aye, and there is not a prayer that McGhee would have won that playoff for us two years ago. Like McCall, he would have had us beaten before we ran out the tunnel in the first leg.
  9. There's no danger he'll walk and unfortunately there's the same chance of the club sacking him, he's got too many personal friendships within the boardroom. Sadly it's that outlook that is suffocating us as a club, there's too many personnel in place because of what they've done in the past or personal friendships with the powers that be in the boardroom and until we move away from this 'strategy' then we are truly fucked as a club.
  10. If you'd actually read my post you'd have seen that I said it was "one of the worst", not "the worst". And it certainly has been one of the worst, for form, for performances and for entertainment. Not to mention that large swathes of the support seem to be feeling more and more disconnected with the club than ever before.
  11. I get bored repeating myself as well, but the fact is we need drastic changes at Fir Park and we need to learn to look forward as a club, not backwards, and parting company with a manager who has dined out on one good season with us a decade ago now but is going nowhere with us now, is a start.
  12. This has to have been one of the poorest, shitest seasons I can ever remember following Motherwell. There is zero consistency, we can't string two positive results together, the squad is poor bar three players - Cadden, McDonald & Moult and our manager treats the job like a part time hobby and continually embarrasses the club with his attitude, both on and off the park. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we as a club need a drastic overhaul to our entire approach and rid ourselves of this backward looking 'jobs for the boys' culture. In the summer we should be binning McGhee for starters, no two ways about it. The majority of the support don't like or want him and he clearly has ideas way above Motherwell FC. Add to that he has brought nothing positive to the club since his return in late 2015; with the exception of perhaps introducing some youth into the side however reluctantly. Our playing style and football is woeful and his approach to games is more often than not designed to stop the opposition winning rather than about trying to win ourselves...which never ever works. Result of this is that more and more of our already dwindling support are becoming more and more scunnered and disconnected with the club, something which we cannot afford, but it's totally understandable when they see no forward plan, nothing to engage them and nothing which suggests we have any ambition for the future. I know I for one will not be renewing my season ticket next season unless there is a change of manager at the very least. We also need to part company with Hammell, McManus, Lasley and McFadden, at least from the first team in his case and start looking forward and not backwards when it comes to recruitment. Otherwise we are going absolutely nowhere as a club but backwards and downwards.
  13. If we played the correct system, one similar to McGhee's first spell when McCormack played a big part in a similar type role, then possibly O'Halloran could do a job for us. Of course it'd be a gamble but then again every signing is. i certainly wouldn't not take him on loan simply because of who he plays for, but then again I don't hate Rangers/Sevco more than I love Motherwell unlike some. The fact that he would be a Rangers loanee would put the guy at a disadvantage straight away as there would be some in our support desperate to hate him regardless of what he did for us. As I said, a gamble it would certainly be, but I suppose it would come down to money which could well be the deal breaker.
  14. He did save a penalty in the 6-6 game, just minutes before Juke's stunner, but as said above that was typical of him. Have an absolute nightmare and yet save a penalty kick.
  15. He was utterly hopeless at cross balls and if he ever cleanly caught a high ball whilst under pressure from an opponent, or even one of his own defenders, then I'm buggered if I can remember it. We've had an abundance of goalkeepers down the years who couldn't deal with crosses for the life of them, even Ally Maxwell was pretty hopeless at them. Stevie Woods still tops any list of mine due to the length of time he was here though. Guys like Dubourdeau, Smith, Hollis, Meldrum (who's performance v.St.Mirren in the 2-3 game at the end of the Malpas season still gives me nightmares) weren't around long enough to knock Woods of his perch as worst Motherwell goalkeeper of my time.
  16. Samson looks totally out of depth at this level, both in his ability and also his confidence. His tendency to parry rather than catch/smother is his biggest undoing, and he seems to struggle to communicate properly with the defence. I don't know much about Brill other than a few highlights of him playing for ICT, but God knows how bad he must be if he can't get in that team ahead of Samson.
  17. His 2005 Cup Final nightmare apart, I thought Gordon Marshall was pretty solid for us. He commanded the box well and the defence had a huge amount of confidence in him. His 'pep talk' at the end of 90 minutes in the League Cup Semi at Easter Road was crucial to the team recovering from the setback of losing a 2-0 lead late on, that's from a number of players from that time. Goram was past it by the time he was with us and his fitness and application were woeful. That he was made club captain at that time still beggars belief. Woods was an utter bombscare who was unable to make the No.1 jersey his own in nearly ten years at the club and played second fiddle to five different goalkeepers in that same time...and each time he got his chance he showed just why he couldn't hold down the spot for himself. Him selling the jerseys against Rangers in the Cup when 2-1 up and comfortable just summed him up. Graeme 'Buzz' Smith was murder, as was Frankie Doubourdeau - Boxing Day 02 v Rangers apart - and was prone to some crazy errors. The best goalkeepers we've had in my time have been Dijkstra, Scott Howie, Ruddy and Randolph by some distance.
  18. The East Stand is a crumbling mess, a dated throwback to the days of terracing that is lucky to still obtain a safety certificate. But I love it and wouldn't swap it for a soulless, lego built structure like you've got at St.Mirren Park, or Hamilton to give a couple of examples. It has character and I'd still say it's the most popular stand amongst our support. It offers a great view, you're next to the players and has by far an away the best atmosphere on match day at Fir Park. I still love going through the old turnstiles and walking up the steps then seeing the pitch open out in front of you at the top; it's the way it's always been for me and as I said. I wouldn't have it any other way. i think it's somewhat fitting that we name our old and decrepit, but still much loved stands, after one of our most successful managers in history. And it'll always be 'The East Stand' to me and 99% of the support anyway.
  19. Our best striker since the days of Tommy Coyne & Dougie Arnott IMO. A goalscorer first and foremost, but also a spearhead of what was a very good attacking line of Humphrey, Ojamaa and Faddy in the second half of 2012/13. Loved big Higgy at Fir Park.
  20. I doubt he'll kick another ball for Rangers and given the baggage he carries, then I reckon you're well shot of him.
  21. He has certainly steadied the ship and made us easier on the eye than we were under Baraclough and latterly under McCall. We're still a mediocre side though and making the same basic errors at the back as we've done now for the last four or five years so McGhee has done a decent job in the sense that we were almost certainly heading for at least another playoff by the time Baraclough left this time last year, but we had an absolutely woeful spell last season at the turn of the year where McGhee didn't cover himself in glory with some of his selections and behaviours and I'm not too impressed with his summer transfer dealings. And don't even get me started on his approach to the last two games at Parkhead. He absolutely needs to oversee a good Motherwell Scottish Cup run this season, and by good I mean Quarter Finals minimum.
  22. I think James McFadden is a shoe in to be our next manager, rightly or wrongly. I expect McGhee to hang around another year or so, depending how we do. The only way he'd leave before then would be if we nosedive and end up relegated or we rocket up the league and have a good season, then he'll decide he's too good for us again and look elsewhere. That, or if/when Strachan gets the bullet in November when Scotland's World Cup campaign is already over and McGhee succeeds the post.
  23. Maybe but that's how I see it. I'm fully aware that I'll be in the minority but I'm only interested in what's best for my club, not the International set up at any level.
  24. Well personally speaking I don't really want any Motherwell players, or management for that matter, involved with the Scotland set up, particularly during the season as I find it nothing more than a distraction that we could do without. Obviously though players want to play international football and no one can fault them for that but I don't lose any sleep if there is no Motherwell representation at that level. In the case of Chalmers though, if that's the best that the national set up can find in that position then they really are fucked.
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