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Everything posted by MJC

  1. Imagine beating them in the League Cup Final then parading the Cup to the home support three days later when we play them again at Fir Park. Carlsberg don't do 'GIRFUY Sellics' but if they did, they'd be the best 'GIRUY Sellic' since the 22nd of May 2005.
  2. It's great to hear talk of players talk of bonding with the support and it helps fuel the feel-good factor that we've already got going at the start of this season. For years the club's PR was utterly dreadful; from Dempster's time when the only communication we got was about how we were skint and making losses despite qualifying for Europe; to McGhee's second stint when he seemed keen to argue with supporters and throw players under the bus resulting in a bad atmosphere in general around the club. I feel like since the summer we've seen a bit of a sea change at the club for the better. Gone are the 'old boys network' with the exception of Hammell from the first team, something which greatly held us back as a club and we now have a younger, hungrier looking squad who actually seem to enjoy playing football. In Stephen Robinson as manager we have an enthusiastic and dare I say it, adventurous individual who puts his heart and soul into the job, something we definitely did not have last year, this reflects on the players too. He was not my first choice as manager but he's done well so far and I get the feeling we could be entering into an era like the Butcher one where we surprise a lot of people, even ourselves. We have done reasonably well in the past with managers who have failed elsewhere yet been a good fit for us, ala Butcher & McCall and hopefully Robinson falls into the same category. Since the win at Queen's Park in July this season has been more enjoyable than the last two put together and long may it continue.
  3. In answer to the OP Goram Jardine--Gough--Mjallby--McGrain Johnstone--Lambert--Souness--Cooper Dalglish--Larsson
  4. Boo boo boo booooo down with this sort of thing booooo. One of these threads when everyone tries to get all high and mighty and adopt the "I hate the Old Firm, feel superior" then those same people will be glued to the TV/radio/Twitter on the day of the first game between the two and give it laldy with the mock outrage.
  5. Have to say I'm chuffed with the clubs dealings so far. Heneghan will be a loss but good luck to him and impressed that we've conducted business to replace him straight away, we've clearly been proactive in this window. Good to see Grimshaw back as well.
  6. We can recruit any McGhee we want, even Debbie McG(h)ee, as long as that particular McGhee who was our previous manager never darkens our door again then they'll get my support. On a serious note I would happily take Jordan McGhee at Fir Park should we lose Heneghan.
  7. Imagine going in for a 50/50 with him! I can't ever remember us having a central defender with such physical presence and the look like he can bounce opposition strikers into next week before. The closest I can think of is Karl Ready from 01/02 but he was a bombscare for us.
  8. Cadden is a target for Hull according to The Sun. He's obviously going to go eventually but he'd be a major loss at this point in time so hopefully this comes to nothing.
  9. Not too surprised to see McManus retire, he's 35 and obviously age and injuries have caught up with him over the last year. I would expect us to be looking at bringing in another centre half before the window shuts.
  10. Next Saturday is absolutely crucial for us now and although I wouldn't use the term 'must win' this early in the season, we really could do with winning given we've had two defeats back to back in the league. The early signs are worrying for us as for all I think we now have a team with a lot more bottle and will to win about them than we had last year, we just don't have goals in us and continue to be very sloppy at the back. You could make the case for us being unlucky last week against Rangers but in truth we were fortunate not to be 3-0 down inside the first half an hour before getting ourselves level, but I really thought we shot ourselves in the foot with poor finishing and dreadful attacking play in the final third. I wasn't there today but from the sounds of things we were in the game and possibly on top in the first half yet couldn't make it count and found ourselves 2-0 down before a complete collapse in the second half. I said it last week but a frontline of Tanner, Fisher and Bowman just won't do for us as they aren't clinical enough and we seriously need to work in our distribution and forward play or else we will seriously struggle for goals and points this season.
  11. Nope, if you'd read the Ross County game thread you'd have seen that I would take a win in the Cup game even if it meant we lost the league game. Curiously, we have had a bit of a habit in the past of playing Aberdeen at home in a Cup match either just before or a week or so before playing them again in the league and each time we have lost the Cup game then beat them in the league. It happened in 1996 when we lost 0-2 in the Cup then beat them 1-0 in the league two weeks later; then in March 2012 we lost 1-2 in the Scottish Cup on the Sunday then beat them 1-0 in the league the following Saturday (Hammell wonder goal). Finally in December of 2012 we lost 1-2 again in the Scottish Cup then two weeks later thumped them 4-1 in the league. This time, I'd prefer us to reverse the trend and win the Cup match, but a win in both would be grand.
  12. Huge result for us tonight. A very tough and challenging 120 minutes and EXACTLY the type of game that we would normally lose, we certainly would have last year so all credit to Steve Robinson and the players for getting through that. Hopefully this will be a springboard to a good season and a good Cup run at long last. Aberdeen at home will be a tall order but we're at home and quite simply we need to believe we can beat them and be right up for it. Give me a Cup run over European qualification ANY day of the week. Well done Motherwell.
  13. Had to happen after his 'antics' and when you combine that with the fact that he was garbage then emptying him was the only sensible option open to the club. Good to see a short, succinct statement to confirm it too, we're getting there.
  14. The St.Mirren fans seem very bitter about Plummer, I'm starting to like him already. I seem to remember them telling us how shite Higdon was when we signed him and look how that turned out for us.
  15. It's like a throwback to 2007/08 with St.Mirren fans all over Motherwell threads on here. What's Captain Sensible up to these days?
  16. We're going to give Rangers a guard of honour on Sunday, cos they are the peepul after all.
  17. Richie Foran was a decent player for us when he could be bothered but that wasn't often enough and he often disappeared during matches. I said when he was with us that one of the main reasons he had such a cult status with our support was because he was a bit of a character who was often found bevvying in various local boozers. Bob McHugh I'll give you did put plenty of effort in but ultimately just wasn't good enough at this level. Vigurs was a lazy imposter who chipped in with the odd spectacular strike. But regardless of all three's varying levels of committment and ability, they should not be being cheered or applauded by our support when playing against us, trying to score against and beat us, in my opinion. It's just wrong to me when they are playing for the opposition. Some may disagree and that's their opinions, but that's how I see it.
  18. No doubt it'll get an airing and Bob will get a nice big cheer from the usual suspects in our support who love to cheer opposition players playing against us, ala Foran & Vigurs.
  19. The 'two game' ban for the Green brigade is nothing more that a PR stunt by Celtic to show UEFA that they are "on top of the problem" and when the heat dies down they will allow them back in and they'll be back to their usual psuedo political, Irish Republican paramilitary driven shite in no time. They did exactly the same thing after that very same group led the rest of their support in smashing up the South Stand at Fir Park four years ago, only then they called it 'suspending' the group. That happened in the early December and the ban was lifted by the end of the January if I remember correctly. Celtic FC as a club are a disgrace as they clearly approve of these banners being flown and displayed. How else do you explain how they managed to get them into the group and on such a regular occurrence? The only reason they have 'acted' here is because of the spotlight that is being correctly shone upon them bringing attention from the authorities at UEFA. They get away with murder in this country and are basically untouchable and when you think over the years about their banners and songs, ie. 'Bloostained Poppies' the William Wallace/Bobby Sands protest, hanging effigies and constantly bringing politics into football with very little repercussions, you realise the hold they have in this country. Would any other club have got off so lightly with any of those antics? Of course not. They are basically the playground bully of the Scottish game and Scottish society. They dish it out, shout, intimidate and push everyone else around, yet the minute they get anything back, or even if they just don't get their own way, ie. if a refereeing decision goes against them, they go into victim mode and start greetin'. An absolutely poisonous entity that Scotland would be much better off without.
  20. While I didn't join in with or agree with the booing at half time yesterday as I don't think it was merited given the timing and context of the match, if paying supporters aren't happy with what they've seen they are entitled to let the players know their feelings. There are some Motherwell fans who will boo and criticise for very little, sometimes when it is uncalled for. By the same token we have our fair share of eternal optimists, or Happy Clappies if you prefer, who won't hear a bad word said about the team or the club no matter what and seem to revel in picking arguments with anyone who doesn't share their rose tinted views.
  21. I'd wager that would be nothing compared to the levels of rage and seethe had he a Rangers-minded social media presence. Anyway good luck to the boy, or should that be Bhoy? It didn't work out for him and he's moved on, best thing for all parties.
  22. I dunno about nowadays but Kenny Wright was driving taxis five years ago. He picked me up in town and drove me back to Blackwood after a night out.
  23. Sounds like it. Well done on getting such a deal done, I'm pleased for you and your club. Also sounds like a lot of the Rangers obsessed moon howlers are taking this bit of news pretty badly.
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