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Rudolph Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolph Hucker

  1. Wouldn't be greatly missed by many if it stayed that way. Most of the decent posters baled out long ago; the majority of the posts these days come from the some dozen or so narrow minds and twisted wee dicks. Maybe the Darwin Awards have another winner.......
  2. Whenever you point the finger there are three (count ‘em) fingers pointing straight back at you.. Which just might prove to be very appropriate in this instance.
  3. I tend to agree about Dodds and Ferguson - not the most erudite, but their enthusiasm and knowledge of the game and of what it’s like to be a footballer means they’re usually interesting to listen to. Most tedious listen for me is Willie Miller. Again, he knows his stuff, but he takes five times longer than necessary to tell us what he’s just seen and he does so without adding any flair or personality to it. Frustrating to listen to.
  4. Oops. Should've asked - is laughing in advance of expected reactions allowable on here? A word of advice for all concerned - change what you cannot accept, but accept what you cannot change. Too early in the day for popcorn? There'll be some gnashing of teeth about this one. And for those who don't have their own, teeth will probably be provided......
  5. Honestly, where to start with this……. Right. Let’s take it from the top: It’s a two year old piece, from the Daily Record SPORTS section. It isn’t a piece intended to examine a crime that was old news (a DECADE old) even then. It’s not there to look at crime, punishment and rehabilitation. It’s there to discuss a career in football that was affected by unusual circumstances, so it touches briefly on the causes of that and moves on to discuss the effects. The journalist is writing about what his readership is most likely to be interested in. It’s not intended to be a part of the player’s future CV. As for “trapped environments “ - what?? He was enclosed in a car, the victims were on open streets. What ages were the children? They were in prams, apparently . Why would the writer need to know more? It was no doubt documented elsewhere and it’s irrelevant to his piece. To me, it would have been quite a creepy question to ask, as well as irrelevant to the interview. Was Lithgow ‘silent’ about what he did? We can’t know that, we were not present at the interview. You say that “due to the entire lack of any other discussion or mention of his crimes from.him anywhere else we have very litle to go on” - really? Without having been overly interested I can remember him talking about it after the trial and on more than one occasion since. Thus, no need or reason for chapter and verse to be brought up every time he’s interviewed. Especially in what IS primarily a football piece. You admit in a later post that Morton will have done their due diligence before signing the player. That’s what they have to do. They also seem to have decided, rightly in my view, to say nothing with regard to they player’s past, so far at least. Every criminal is entitled to rehabilitation, no matter what the crime, no matter whether you or I like it or not. Your position on this is obviously entrenched, nothing that I or anyone else says is going to change it. Fine, but it’s only right that slanted and biased views are challenged objectively. Now that I’ve done so, you’ll be glad to hear that I don’t see me wasting any more time on this topic. Alan Lithgow is big enough and old enough to defend himself should he choose to do so, but I’d imagine he may opt for as dignified a silence as his situation allows.
  6. No, not in the least. That’s what these things are for, after all. As for some of the nonsense talked and the entrenched, immovable opinions expressed, though - THAT’S what beggars belief.
  7. Where did I say I was delighted? Oh wait, I didn’t. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Blues is very good, but from what I’ve seen he isn’t as bad as some of the hysterical nonsense posted by some on here would have folk believe. He’s been signed for another year, which merited a shrug of the shoulders and a “meh” from me, but yes I knew that the reactions of you and others would probably be worth having a chuckle or three over, and boy was I right. To make it clear - I can afford to laugh at the posts of some of the little nest of vipers that talk about Morton on Pie and Bovril, because I know that what that small number have to say will have no bearing at all on anything outwith this wee forum or on what actually happens at Cappielow. Some of you guys are so full of your own importance that you can’t see that. Bump yer gums on here as much as you want, pontificate about everything from the quality of player being signed or whether they should change the club badge or even what should be on sale at the pie stalls, but don’t kid yourselves on that it’ll make a blind bit of difference to anything. Talk all you like, but don’t expect anyone outside this forum to give a toss. The real decisions aren’t made on here and never will be. Don’t ever question my support for the club though. Supporting Morton and laughing at some wee fannies on the internet are two entirely different things.
  8. I’ve just read it. It’s a football interview looking at the guy’s life and hard times in the game, from the difficulty in getting a gig after the offence to working his way through the divisions from bottom to top. What’s printed hardly touches on the offences or the court’s judgement. Could be Lithgow didn’t want to say much about it, could be he said a lot and the reporter left it out, could be the reporter wasn’t interested and didn’t ask much about it. None of us know; to use your own phrase we have no evidence either way - but rather than view the piece objectively you choose to slant it entirely against the player. That’s a very strange way to “add perspective”. You’ve made your mind up about it and it’s obvious that nothing is gonna change your opinion. Fine, my opinion on your opinion won’t be changing either. If yours were on paper it would be papped straight into the round file.
  9. To be fair to Arsim, he hasn’t been waving his wee self-righteous p***k about apart from on here. …….or, if he has, no-one seems to have noticed.
  10. Soon as I saw the Club's announcement about Blues I nipped out for some popcorn, and sure enough some of the usual suspects haven't disappointed. All it needs now is for Muirhead to sign a two year deal and McGinty to come back 'Broadfoot' style and Dunning will spontaneously combust. It's great, this, keeping us all entertained till the Euros kick off. Edited to add - it took Methadone Mick precisely two minutes to sneak in with his customary wee rid dot. Must be close to a record, even for him. Thank you, Virginton, from the heart of my bottom.
  11. …….fourteen years ago, at the age of nineteen, and hasn’t offended since. Just adding some perspective here.
  12. Rattled?? MOI??? Not a jot, weebaws. I merely fart in your general direction. Seems like YOU'RE probably a bit rattled tho, since you've sent me a shit load of wee rid dots in the last 24 hours or so (do you actually think I care about rid dots when I've already got more than either you or our new signing could shake your wee sticks at?? Dream on.......). And to think I actually gave you a greenie the other week, there ain't no gratitude.......
  13. Suggest you cast a self-critical eye over your last post here, vt. If that's remotely within your capabilities. Then stop all the posturing, grandstanding pomposity and the trumpeting to the new regime about what they have to do. Back the hell off, give us all a rest and let them get on with things. As the man said earlier, you're having a hell of a year.
  14. Which c**ts are you referring to? And "get a room"? For what? To binge-watch Buffy the feckin' Vampire Slayer?? Grow up.
  15. ^^^ This. The guy made mistakes, did several nasty things and he's paid the penalty for it. In fact, he probably pays for it almost every day in life, given his occupation and the fact that the average fitba' fan has a memory like an elephant and is less forgiving than the worst of mothers-in-law. Plenty of footballers either have, or are alleged to have, committed sexual offences, from junior level right up to the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo.. In all cases, if they've paid the penalty, been found not guilty or the allegations have not resulted in court proceedings then the rest of us should simply let it lie and move on. This guy caused a state of alarm or panic for several women quite some time ago. He didn't physically harm them and he hasn't done it since. It's unpleasant and not what we'd want a friend or relative to be caught doing, but he's learned his lesson and moved on. So should the rest of us. We've employed some pretty unpleasant characters at the club over the years, as has every club. Lithgow in 2021 doesn't appear to be one. I'm more than happy to give the guy a chance at Morton, as I am with every signing. I hope he does well for us.
  16. Deflection tactics? Failing to answer a question by asking one of your own about something completely unrelated and that has absolutely no relevance here? Yep, you’re floundering again. Keep going, it’s quite entertaining. Mouth music. Still trying to defend your throwaway, ill-considered comment that has come back to bite you, dismissing two hours of gametime (plus an excellent, tie-winning goal, don’t forget) from McGuffie by offsetting it against a few minutes in a different game. Floundering, tap dancing, embarrassment, choose your own term for it, but combining the above with your ludicrous statements about relegation being the saviour of the club (it wouldn’t have been) and that our squad rebuild would be miles behind everyone else’s (it ain’t) I think it’s fair to say that the ghost guy got it right. You’re having a disaster of a year. Comedy gold.
  17. Moving the goalposts to try to justify your mouth-on-a-stick comment. Predictable, and predictably amusing. You just can't help yourself, can you?
  18. I realise you're only looking to score points/start an argument/be a smartarse here, but much more relevant is that McGuffie played the full match at Montrose and half an hour against them at Cappielow, scoring a worldie right at the death. That'll be a swing and a miss, then, champ.
  19. I don't think there's much real reason to be apprehensive about what's to come re the existing squad (at least, I hope not). It's only 12 days since our season came to an end. Plenty of the players will be on holiday at the moment. MacPherson & Millen will know who they want to keep and who they'll be releasing, but they obviously won't make that public knowledge until they've spoken to the players. McGinn would be a good addition if the rumours are true, but I wonder if he'll get a better offer elsewhere.......
  20. I wouldn't be too despondent if that plus those already signed were the basis of the squad and his incoming signings were even just a little better than what we saw this season. That, with a bit more tactical nous, SHOULD be good enough for, say, sixth place next term and give us something to build on towards the top four the following season.
  21. Nah, he's been hammering away at it since his kidult years. Must be like a pencil lead now, only shorter.
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