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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I think it’s like an international break or something
  2. I've been happily married for four years Out of a total of fourteen! (it's this sort of inane shite that folk are complaining about isn't it? Well it's my inane shite and I'm keeping it)
  3. No wonder i've been getting laughed at down The Royal Oak.
  4. It used to be something they did behind closed doors with an orange in their mouths
  5. Like i said it's possible they're just incompetent.
  6. For party funding rules. Anyone making a payment for which they've no obvious means of funding should be an automatic money laundering referral and there should be questions asked. I'd say someone on less than £80k having that much liquid assets is highly dubious. There was no upfront disclosure when there should have been for funding rules. Suspicion level raised. The accounts disclosure could have been more transparent. Nothing there to allay suspicion. As far as i know, we only have Mr Murrell's word that it was his money and not say, someone who's not uk resident's or someone whose relationship with the government and contracts might look dodgy. Maybe he did have the money in a savings account and misunderstood "report all loans and donations over £7,500". I guess it's possible.
  7. The most likely possibility is surely a donation that they shouldn't have taken?
  8. Failure to disclose the loan for so long looks pretty incompetent and careless about rules, which is a bad look for a governing party. The explanation given does look a bit shaky and worth digging into. There might well be nothing more to it but there could be all sorts of sinister explanations. There's enough red flags in their for a proper investigation. Amazing how some people lose all critical faculties when their side's on the defensive. The fact that the Tories and the leave campaign rip the utter piss doesn't excuse anything that doesn't match their decadent troughing.
  9. That's the supreme court ruled that the NI protocol is legal. No idea on the merits or otherwise of the arguments around that, but it does mean that the Tories can't hide behind the litigation to kick this down the road any further. They'll have to do something now and there's no good moves.
  10. Why don't they just rebrand the holy ghost as mrs god? That way you've got a Mummy God, Daddy God and a little baby God. If the CofE doesn't go with this i'll offer it to the pope.
  11. I don't think the subject matter or content has anything to do with it.
  12. Agreed, a quick appointment didn’t do us any favours last season.
  13. I have half a suspicion that she might actually be not quite as stupid as to believe this. It’s a pretty decent angle to carve out a career niche as a culture war grifter and the absence of any link to reality at all hasn’t stopped these c***s before
  14. There's an argument for bigger pay offs to guard against them setting up their own contingency plans by cosying up to business or other vested interests. On the other hand a majority have spent their careers making redundancies easier and cheaper for businesses. If we need to have a flexible and efficient labour market, then i'm afraid these chaps will just have to do their bit. I'm in favour of medals. One or two for actual achievements and a whole load of shitey campaign medals. Maybe a special medal for trying extra hard for the likes of Truss.
  15. What's englishness got to do with it then. Welcome Scottish, irish, American, french, australian gammons but not English? "Scottish values" doesn't exist, and you're a bigot. No more on this thread about our inclusive club please.
  16. The clubs buy a set number of minutes from the clock companies at the start of the season. Adding extra on to the plan later is ridiculously expensive.
  17. Quite right. Scotland's full. Scottish jobs for Scottish people. Bloody English coming here taking our jobs/council houses/women. Casual xenophobia is not a good look Ric.
  18. "You'll be used to all this rain i suppose? Being from Scotland- ha ha ha." "Actually the East coast of Scotland is one of the driest regions of the UK because of the mountains taking the brunt of the prevailing westerlies and causing a rain shadow. So, erm, no." The above exchange, or similar has happened at least half a dozen times with me. See also, ordering any salad or vegetables when eating out. Can't think where the dour stereotype comes from though.
  19. My girls becoming familiar faces to my colleagues because of their videoconference photobombing antics. The brittle tension in the air during the earliest shopping forays when some unmasked madman would invade your 2m space to grab a pack of bacon. Home schooling. “Dad, how do I do a half divided by a third?”-“ hang on I’m busy” [quickly googles dividing fractions]
  20. I am definitely stealing the phrase “brown derby” for those turtle’s heid races against time
  21. And return of the Jedi. He’s only a mustafa-style ghost but he’s in it.
  22. My opinion on this depends whether we're chasing the game or trying to hold a lead. I do enjoy watching our players go down with cramp to delay a goal kick and think that there's a real skill to the brinkmanship required to take two minutes for a throw in. Other teams are cheating time wasting c***s and should be punished by having double added on.
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