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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Previously found another body of somebody who’d mysteriously disappeared while high and wasn’t found by a lengthy search? 3 possible explanations. He truly is a gifted psychic He’s an absolute ghoul with nothing better to do than hang around looking for dead people. He killed them both. While number 2 does seem most plausible, he looks an absolute wrongun and based on that I’d go for 3.
  2. We might win this one but we might not. Definitely a must win in the race for the coveted top six trophy. Does goals scored still count next after goal difference?
  3. In which @CarrbridgeSaintee explains what we don't understand. The basic proposition from @Salt n Vinegar and myself is that there's so much contradictory stuff in the Bible that Christians can pick and choose what bits they like. This is "not understanding Christian Theology" I would like to understand. Where would you like to start CS? The usual starting place would be the Council if Nicea i guess, although maybe some background from the Alexandrian Gnostic controversies could be interesting?
  4. Personally don't see anything wrong with the principle of tidying up some of the bits that are actually not acceptable now. There's only a couple of bits i can think of that would meet my threshold for that, i think in both James and the Giant peach and the witches people are ugly because they are bad. That's likely to genuinely upset kids who can't do anything about their appearance. Didn't upset me obvs because i'm very handsome. Not calling Augustus Gloop fat and saying he is "morally greedy" is a nonsense. It detracts from the simple morality tale of "don't stuff your face with sweets" which can't possibly offend anyone sane. I assume Revolting Rhymes is simply being burned.
  5. There's not any internal consistency in the bible though. New Testament "turn the other cheek", "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" etc. Old testament "smite, kill, venegance mwah ha ha ha!", "and don't eat prawns or be gay".
  6. I disagree with @VincentGuerin and think that OF fans have as much a place on here as anyone else. They're part of Scottish football culture although their experience of it is completely different from most of ours. It would probably be better for the world in general if more OF fans took an interest in the whole of Scottish football and not fewer. It wouldn't help the "forum experience" any, but there's still the tit for tat pen they can be held in if needed.
  7. She wanted to go to B&Q for wallpaper but apparently didn’t want to just ask. Instead she made a big show about going on the bus, including asking my opinion about whether she should take a carrier bag on the bus to carry her wallpaper in on the bus. Before loudly announcing she was leaving to get the bus. She came back with some bs story about how some nice men helped her on the bus. Idiot.
  8. Ginger, pale and glaikit, like this: No, that's not right, hang on, like this: No, that's not it either, here's one: There you are, a pasty ned. As a great philosopher (Joe Swash) famously said, you should always judge a book by its cover.
  9. You ain't seen nothing yet. That super league shite is going to happen eventually.
  10. Orbital - optical delusion Much fresher sounding than their last offering, probably because of the strategy of having different collaborators on each track. The highlight for me is the Sleaford Mods on Dirty Rat, very much a state of the nation address. An unexpected return to form.
  11. I take the economist, but online only. It calls itself a newspaper and not a magazine and who am I to argue. But the answer is none. Last paper paper i read was a free metro on a train. Typically about 5 minutes reading in each edition, max, with the only worthwhile bit being the sad c***s that made eye contact with someone a week previous and wrote in about it. "To the blonde on the circle line, i was the ̶b̶a̶l̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶i̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶a̶g̶e̶d̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶l̶e̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶i̶t̶s̶,̶ ̶sensitive hunk you shared a smile with. call me."
  12. Lessons have been learned and processes have been put in place to prevent this happening again so we should just draw a line under this and move on.
  13. Empire building and colonialism was started by the English government /state through private enterprises, but it was still pretty much nascent and mainly a New World (except a scattering of small colonies) concern before the Act of Union. Most of the bad stuff that we know about happened after. Describing Scots as passengers (willing or otherwise) in an endeavour driven exclusively by "London" is as much wishful thinking as the trolling you replied to. I wish that Scots and Scotland hadn't been a major part of it too, but we were.
  14. I'm sure i can remember us correctly keeping the ball and unfortunately not scoring when an opponent had gone down blatantly uninjured and time wasting and their own team has put the ball out. f**k that.
  15. I expect this thread will be full of people pointing and laughing at The Rangers' fans. Rightly so.
  16. Someone said there was a weir downstream so it's presumably not tidal upstream of the weir.
  17. There must be an audience out there for anodyne and obvious observations.
  18. I’d like the court to note that although my post was quoted, I do not in any way condone placing unfeasibly large testicles anywhere near children.
  19. To be fair, this was me when you lot got a walk in goal in the third minute. Celtic fans enjoy making babies cry. FACT.
  20. Sounds like you need some sort of shooting academy? If you were going to Vilnius or Bucharest I might be able to help but I don’t know about Krakow, sorry.
  21. Latest wordcount filler is a Ricardo Rodriguez, who is either a left back or a Mexican wrestler according to the Google. It's good that the papers are considering more leftfield appointments before we appoint Jack Ross.
  22. A cynical person might suggest that Rangers (RIP) deliberately ran up such large debts (e.g. By not payin VAT) so as to tie the hands of the administrators into having to liquidate the assets and make trading through admin impossible. Along with dodgy Dave bringing a large amount of money into the country at the same time it does look like the prepack admin was the idea all along. I'm sure Rangers tried really really hard but HMRC were just unreasonable. Hearts on the other hand simply spent the proceeds of embezzling from East European pensioners, so that's fine.
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