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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Papa Johns isn't gourmet stuff but they've never replaced the tomato sauce with barbecue. That's just a terrible thing to do to innocent unsuspecting pizza buyers. Dominos should be in jail.
  2. Enjoying the bank holiday today. Have done next to nothing and hope to keep this up for the rest of the day. I might go in the garden to get some sun soon but i don't want to over exert myself.
  3. Funnily enough i was thinking of the ISS and the botanic gadens in Wales, where they recycle all sewage but for flushing and watering plants, not drinking. I'd have no problem with this in principle but in practice it would need to be carefully managed. I'd have zero confidence that any of our water companies could be trusted to do it properly or to tell anyone when they've accidentally let a few thousand litres of shite into the water pipes.
  4. Could be worse. Could have found a dead body and thought it was a sex doll. I mean, who hasn't?
  5. Utd's attempts to emulate the Dons usually fall short but this time they've surpassed our achievements. Well done Utd!
  6. This is quite a result for the troll(s). An ironic one given their championing of free speech. Still, they'll be back, undeterred.
  7. Who's your favourite off of GB news? As a fan of both hypocrisy and drink driving I like Alastair Stewart, or "Alastair" as i like to call him.
  8. Hard work is its own reward. It's not for everyone but i've had some interesting discussions on there with people i disagree with. I've probably had more tedious discussions with trolling fuckwits though.
  9. I'm fairly sure they can't overcome the sun turning into a red giant, but if they can escape that surely the heat death of the universe will get them.
  10. That was because they didn't have decent domestic competition though. Hopefully the cheeks succumb to hubris and fork out to try to be competitive in Europe, and start budgeting for the "champions" league, lose to a diddy then go bust. I'm sure that's happened somewhere before...
  11. People are paid according to their relative bargaining power. Their perceived value might form part of that but it's not the whole story. The willingness of the counterparty to the negotiation to hold out for a lower sum is also important. The counterparties for most public sector negotiations are quangocrats (and the occasional elected politician) and for listed companies are the directors of investment funds. All of those people have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth that high salaries buy good management. The costs to them of those salaries being paid are dispersed across taxpayers and investors and not borne personally. I don't think that it matters how much of a pay rise could be given to other people by reducing executive pay. Simply the fact of increasing inequality and unfairness is unjust. What we need is an incentive to reduce inequality. I propose this:
  12. Not in my book. I don't have any criteria or anything. It's entirely subjective and i just can't associate him with legendary status in my mind.
  13. The problem is that we've got too many wee clubs. They need amalgamated to challenge the OF. One team for Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Forth Valley etc, One team in Dundee, possibly incorporating Perth and Arbroath. One for Edinburgh. We could incorporate Cove and use the ground for additional parking. Think outside the box people.
  14. That doesn't separate out other factors like general progress in science and technology. Say "Things" in Scotland were rated 5 on an arbitrary scale before Union and 6 after. You can't attribute that improvement to the Union unless you know that it would have been less than 6. If Scotland was otherwise on course for a 7, it would be hard to argue that the Union improved things. Your argument is in fact a logical fallacy, post hoc ergo propter hoc.
  15. No it's not it's a sound point. There is no counterfactual or control that can reliably show how Scotland would have done outside the Union. Of course that does also mean that we can't know for sure whether being in the Union has been net negative for Scotland. I'm not particularly in favour of independence but i can't see how a modest fiscal transfer to Scotland shows that Scotland benefits overall, when all monetary and industrial policy over the last 45 years has deliberately handicapped the former heavy industrial areas of the Celtic fringe and North of England and chosen to pursue low inflation ahead of full employment. That's like saying that redundancy is actually a net plus to you because increased company profits will pay part of your benefits.
  16. Boris had distilled his reaction to breaching the ministerial code down to" yeah, so what? "
  17. I have this recorded to watch tonight. Looking forward to it more now. This program is much better when they're terrible cooks.
  18. Minford was the boy that assured Thatcher that closing the mines without any extra investment would boost growth in the mining areas.
  19. By not typing forty lines of diarrhoea after it?
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