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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I liked the first suicide squad much more than any recent (post dark knight) DC movie. It’s a low bar, but it at least had a bit of pace, where the others tend towards ponderous and humour, where the others tend towards po faced. Jared Leto’s Joker, and the “plot” were the obvious weak points. I didn’t like it enough to watch it again or recommend it though.
  2. Brian Harvey wannabe. can’t get my head around how he came to have a flat battery with the brake off? Or why he didn’t put it in gear like a normal person would.
  3. How do you remove moisture from your meat before browning it? You're not going to be able to get onions optimally without salt to help draw or the water either. Your roast chicken won't taste as nice without brining overnight. Not using salt in cooking is madness and probably not doing you many favours, the body needs salt. Removing moisture from meat before browning? Brining chicken overnight? Not saying these are wrong but I’ve never heard of such things. I though the accepted wisdom was to not season meat until after cooking so that it retained its juices?
  4. I like the Olympics. It's great that our whole nation from Scilly to Shetland can unite in support of the same team.
  5. These all sound like fantastic ways to impress the ladies. And to do well on pointless. Not mutually exclusive.
  6. The table's not fully annotated in the report it just has more examples. And it mentions carbohydrate packed pulses which are shown as one of the lower cost foods. Not sure why you're so riled about something that shows obvious facts. Plenty to criticise in the report in terms of it being a jumble of loosely related facts with a non sequitur ending.
  7. In my experience map reading is a declining skill. I used to do a bit of team orienteering and was outvoted 3-1 on the correct way to the next peak during a pea souper at the top of a small mountain and watched my team mates confidently stride off towards a sheer drop. All male. If the fog had been just a bit thicker evolution would have happened.
  8. I think that's more comforting than worrying. It looks like both clubs (plus county) made it through the season without having to draw the facilities. I haven't seen the t&cs but as the eligibility was to do with income and expenses up to the end of the season i guess the last drawdown available was this season. I'd assume we're just taking the last of our free money while we can. I know that saying so makes me look extremely tragic, but i'm really interested to see what the 20/21 accounts will look like.
  9. I always think that a pub's a fairly good analogy for the board, with each thread being a table or group standing up. Most people are yapping about their shared interest in limited ability football and occasionally divert to other topics. Occasionally a moronic bore with a copy of the Sun under their arm will join in and everyone will laugh at them until they move on.
  10. Thinking intelligently about abstract concepts, yes. Doing intelligent things, no. Emotional intelligence, don't understand the question.
  11. Surely it's only 50/50 if you're using a median as your average? Or if there's a normal distribution. A long tail in either direction could pull the mean either side of that. @Hedgecutter@Hedgecutter, is this the sort of thing you mean?
  12. Not sure it’s necessarily resistance. That probably accounts for some of the unvaccinated but I’d guess that general uselessness accounts for a lot too. I don’t recall having a dentist between leaving home and eventually getting married and spent about half of that time still registered with the GP where my parents lived. Not to mention having a different address each year and never sorting out mail forwarding.
  13. Apparently there’s some between-series “The Boys” stuff on you tube now. The first of a monthly news bulletin supposedly, seven on 7 or something.
  14. Ironing out teething issues? We never used to mix our metaphors this badly. Cormack must go!
  15. Some twat on fire on the M5. Two junctions closed backed up onto A40. Inconsiderate p***k. How hard is it to not go on fire?
  16. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be better with strikers that can hold the ball. He did show flashes, perhaps 3 over the season. Unconvinced.
  17. Cheers. I'll check that. Remember that it will be filled with water and plan ahead accordingly.
  18. Reminds me of Dickie Dandruff's recipe for sheep's heid pie, with some red peppers, green peppers then add the Sunday peppers.
  19. Agreed it's not ideal. We could have done with more games. But that's balanced against the risk of positive tests and isolation from more games. And we hear training is more intense so that should help, although it's not the same as proper games. On the signings front, we've strengthened. Maybe not as much as we'd like to but i'd rather we got the right players in for the rest of the season than panic sign for a game that will be in the balance anyway. Lots of love, Happy clapper
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