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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Data from oecd https://data.oecd.org/chart/6qhJ Exactly as you said, but i don't think that other countries' shitebaggery should excuse ours.
  2. I agree with this except i didn't struggle with it. Quite enjoyed it, better than average telly by a long way. But it didn't feel like a Fargo. It was too much about the gangsters. The "little guy" character has previously been the focus, and esmerelda or whatever her name was felt shoehorned in and peripheral. The main cop is usually much more folksy and has had their domestic story as a main plot device too. Deafy was just too cool. I did like the nurse and outlaw characters a lot (as characters, i'm not a psychopath) but the gang dynamics within and between the gangs didn't feel right.
  3. It smells like an old people's home in here with all the pant pissing. It's not like we'll be starting with Stuart Duff and Derek Young in defence.
  4. I am aware of that thanks. This isn't the insurmountable obstacles thread.
  5. I don't think he's blue, or a bear, either. I don't mean literally, although that would be cool.
  6. That bit of tape that closes a loaf of bread, when the ends are perfectly aligned.
  7. Was in an italian owned Italian restaurant with about 100 others, mainly Italians, few welsh and a handful of english when the equaliser went in. Scenes. Got the kids home in time for extra time and penalties. My daughter (9) has shown little interest in football before but made a wee st George's cross on a stick because some of her friends were supporting them. After the penalties she tore it up and said she'd always liked Italy. Brought a tear to my eye.
  8. Using lots of big words won't make your point any less shite
  9. It's not faceless EU migrants commiting murders and rapes it's muslims. Apart from that, your pastiche of a rangers fan is almost convincing.
  10. Assuming he means what he says in public and it isn't for the benefit of man management.
  11. Because women have the capability to win any argument by abandoning logic, which men are bound by. If neither partner has to use logic or neither can abandon it then something else will need to determine who wins an argument.
  12. I'm sure that the dynamic in same sex marriages will be different.
  13. I think this is the main point. Being right is a breach of the cohabitation or marriage contract in itself, rendering any perceived victory temporary, pyrrhic and hollow.
  14. If we're looking for someone to be involved in a majority of matches then we need someone better. I'm not convinced we are though, depends how many strikers we play with. I don't think strikers should be a priority but not against us signing one in principle. I'd just like us to have some quality control.
  15. No medical or public health measures alter the long run mortality rate and can only ever affect timing.
  16. Already proved he's not good enough for St Johnstone and us. Was ok but being more effective than Kamberi is hardly a high bar. He's already 23 so should be in his prime and shouldn't be thought of as a prospect. I'd rather we got in a creative attacker and let the youngsters step up if needed.
  17. Trying is the first step on the road to failure.
  18. Yes because that's the same. I was only laughing at him, not making a coherent point
  19. A heroic stand. Are you going to refuse to wash your hands or cover your mouth when you cough?
  20. Surely 95% effective against hospitalisation means that's how much it is reducing the proportion hospitalised? Fairly sure 1 in 20 would be higher than the pre vaccine proportion hospitalised?
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