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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I'm guessing this is soylent green style processing?
  2. There are increasing reports of upwards pressure on wages in some sectors (mainly hospitality) due to brexit induced staff shortages. It remains to be seen how long term or sustainable this pressure is and whether general wage levels will increase across the economy. Or whether the increased wages are enough to live on. For clarity, this does not mean i think brexit was a good idea.
  3. Just turned off King Kong v Godzilla or whatever it is called. I liked the first Godzilla and thought the last one was ok. This had no redeeming features and was boring the shit out of me.
  4. We'd a Falkland islander on secondment/swap for a few months. There were as many people in our office as there were Falkland Island Residents.
  5. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of viewing figures between interested, supportive viewers and point and laugh viewers. I reckon the early higher figures were probably a majority of the latter.
  6. They've done an excellent job of making this all about social distancing and not about the corruption and nepotism of giving his floozy a high paid job. Top framing.
  7. Excellent tv. Welcome to big school brought a tear to my eye and the Corby bit really resonated with me as an expat.
  8. Fat people are jolly. Like Santa, or the go compare man.
  9. Maybe I'm a Magee dotting alias too. That'll flummox them
  10. I was wondering which of the Celtic posters would be doing this. I'd guessed Romeo but didn't realise Magee had previous. Sorry Romeo.
  11. I'm sure the queen's speech had something about trying to stop the judiciary over-ruling the government, for things like suspending parliament. Not that i watched the wizened old crone, i read a report, so that might not be exactly correct.
  12. Presumably this means that schools can't use anything produced by the government?
  13. "floccinaucinihilipilification" is longer than "antidisestablishmentarianism" by one letter and is in Hansard after being used by a despicable narcissistic self publicising twat.
  14. They take away unwanted social interaction and let me buy haemorrhoid cream and johnnies without embarrassment. That's worth a few livelihoods.
  15. Unlikely. These will be last in line in a winding up. I'd say they're as good as an injection of capital, except for FFP rules.
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