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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. On an unrelated note https://www.greenpeace.org/canada/en/story/3138/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-tar-sands-and-how-they-impact-you/
  2. My mate ran over a rabbit. It was lying there screeching with a tyre track across the bottom of its back so he took a big rock off a dyke and dropped it on it. But he missed its head and hit somewhere on its torso so had to go again. It was horrific. That rabbit would have loved a shovel.
  3. I've the economist as my only paid source. Its bias is fairly openly declared. Al Jazeera is the only watchable telly news but i can't take it at face value. Bbc isn't as bad as russia today or fox news, yet. Plenty sources readily available to compare and contrast these days and no need to rely on an editorial agenda. "centre" lol
  4. According to the fermers' thread they're selling all their defenders at bargain basement prices, so i'm in.
  5. If they thought they had covid early on that's plausible. You couldn't get a test unless you were needing hospitalised, for months. I can see why long covid would appeal to hypochondriacs and attention seekers though.
  6. The age bands on kids' medicines are usually not mutually exclusive, so the next one up is probably 6-8. Don't know if that's how that one works though
  7. Freedom of movement in the EU is a different matter to what 3rd country citizen rights are. The EU has no jurisdiction over those so couldn't negotiate them for its members.
  8. The EU wouldn't have had the power to impose a rule on residency or citizenship rights on member states.
  9. Funnily enough i was thinking of that comparison when we did our impotent sabre rattling off Crimea last week.
  10. Good to see our highly trained SWAT/Stasi tactics deployed in real live action. Give it a year before Johnson's in a field marshall outfit saluting our tanks and nukes as they’re paraded down the mall.
  11. Can you remember what you were doing when it came through on the wireless?
  12. Could be wrong but i don't think the EU can grant citizenship or residency rights and that's up to member states to decide. As far as i remember, the EU never told the UK when it was a member what rules to have about 3rd country immigrants, although there might have been the odd restriction.
  13. Government equivalent of putting a dymo label on your stapler https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-57667929
  14. He did, once. 15 if i remember rightly. Not sure whether one might have been the unwitting rebound from the goalie chucking it at his head. I loved Darren Mackie even though he was shite.
  15. Of course he doesn't partake. It's dog v dog, numbnuts.
  16. Dog fighting. And vanity. What an absolutely despicable horrible c**t. Tavernier that is, not you Shotgun.
  17. This might be a dumb question. Why clip their ears?
  18. That's quality. Only six minutes in but i've already laughed more than a half hour of most sitcoms "poultice"
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