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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. 1 corinthians 3:9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? A proper god botherer would know they don't need a building.
  2. I understood that the point was that the news coming out of Brazil was not good. It's probably quite relevant to anybody who knows people in Brazil, works there or just generally takes an interest in what's going on around the world. Weird one to get upset by.
  3. Praying worked for Tanzania. Officially no covid there. It's probably some other respiratory disease that's hospitalised the president.
  4. Was Keith Burkinshaw not a DoF for what seemed like a couple of months in the 90s? Or is my memory playing tricks again.?
  5. I don't have a vote because i don't live in Scotland. I didn't think independence (specifically the fiscal autonomy as proposed) would be have been a good idea in 2014. The idea of fiscal independence in a monetary union was just dumb, as shown by the Eurozone clusterfuck around that time. I don't believe that "Nations" should have any special status for deciding political boundaries, as a general principle. I thought that the costs of and uncertainty caused by the change would be significant. I wasn't convinced that any significant benefits would arise. Now i think that the benefits of not being associated with the Westminster freakshow swing the equation towards independence being good for Scotland in principle. But you'd have to ditch the pound or you'd still be dependent on Westminster policy. I don't support Scottish Independence though, in much the same way that Howard didn't support Gary Barlow going solo.
  6. I remember watching kung fu films in the 90s that seened like broad farce when dubbed but mystical epics in the original (cantonese?). It does seem that subtitles are more common these days on the telly. I think you're right that the choice is an improvement. Some people do prefer dubbing so they should get the option too. What works for me isn't objectively right.
  7. Misfortune in the shape of an aerial assault by a cro magnon thug.
  8. We should look at how Hearts did it. Then not do it like that.
  9. The difficulty with a DoF model in this country is that that's not how the existing managers will expect to work. I know i wouldn't want to apply for a job where i'll have less autonomy than i'm used to.
  10. I think it was the wrong call to bin McInnes at this stage of the season. Football wise at least, maybe commercially, with an eye on Season tickets i can understand it. Binning McInnes without a replacement just seems like madness. ^^ I know, unpopular opinions thread for this pish.
  11. His mate's just about to start a Gammon News channel. Nice way to generate some publicicity for his new job.
  12. Did mr potato face not also manage this feat in Endgame without anyone noticing?
  13. I don't know what the acting is like on money heist, but usually for films there are proper, well cast actors doing the original language and it's in keeping with the tone that the director wants. The dubbing voice actors all sound like they're voicing over American home video compilations on itv3 and make the whole thing sound like shit. Most films aren't wordy enough to take up a lot of time reading. I usually stop noticing subtitles after about 5 minutes.
  14. They've managed this incredible feat despite a conspiracy against them from the referees, SPFL, SFA, BBC and the Daily Record. If that's not a good reason to break seating i don't know what is.
  15. I suspected it wasn't gospel but that's no need to spoil the game
  16. He did say he'd spoken to whoever was taking over and the 3 caretakers are all ex players so could be that. Trying to think of other ex players currently managing who it could be (and hasn't been before). Not a comprehensive list, but following extensive use of the Internet search facilities and my fading memory: Paul Hartley Billy Stark Darren Young Judas c**t Toni Koumbare Scott Booth Michael Paton Michael O'Neill Mixu (Colin Woodthorpe and Tzanko Tzvetanov are in assistant roles and could be ready for a big step up) There's one stand out, with no chance of us getting him, i think Toni Koumbare would be a wildcard and the rest don't inspire any more confidence than Glass. Maybe Darren Young? Who've i missed?
  17. Not the angle i would have gone for in relation to your post. I'd have explained that the rules governing the competition were known to all competitors at the start and applying them fairly was in no way a technicality. I'm sure i could make this a dig at Rangers too but I'm too sad about Derek and can't be bothered.
  18. I think it’s the fact of a Rangers fan claiming other fans have a brass neck for claiming something (alleged to be) due to a technicality, whilst simultaneously claiming the history of a defunct business which was awarded to a new start up by the authorities.
  19. From the annual report: "Wages increased from £9.238 million to £9.770 million as we maintained our investment in the playing squad. We had ended-up with five players on loan from English clubs during season 2018/19, which made it difficult to achieve any continuity in the playing squad. We believed that we had addressed that situation by basing our squad building for season 2019/20 around permanent contracts on longer terms, but injuries meant loan players were still required. The wages to turnover ratio increased from 58% to 68% as the Club maintained the First Team squad budget but is still within accepted industry norms and compares favourably to many other clubs. Note that this was achieved on much lower revenues reduced by the effects of coronavirus." I can't see that hibs have published their accounts , they certainly haven't filed them. Hearts didn't disclose the ratio but i make theirs 68% also. These are season 2019/2020 figures so will be way higher for this year for all clubs.
  20. NUM represent gold diggers surely Happy to go with other parts of the French model for getting rid of them in the first place.
  21. I think you've got this backwards. The kids that aren't in Scouts and just sort of hang around have no trouble getting a fire started.
  22. On a similar note to Mr Nut, watched Arrival at the weekend. I thought it was great in a proper geeky sci fi sort of way and also as a bit of non-linear and emotionally charged storytelling. The wife failed to understand any of it. Also watched Annihilation and pretty mutch agree with Dave's synopsis above. Very similar vibes to Ex Machina, but not as good. Plot was more like a low key Predator though. I thought Natalie Portman was surprisingly good but Jennifer Jason Leigh was underused.
  23. No way anyone's agreeing to the paternity test in this though.
  24. Episode 1- Harry stands by door for 27 minutes waiting for a footman to open it. I don't think it's Phil with the racist comments, it's just far too tactful and 20th century. My money's on Kate.
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