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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I don't think it's realistic to catch Rangers at this stage but second shouldn't be beyond us.
  2. I was watching some kids thing, with my children, about 5 years ago which relied on rhyming sore and paw. I'm still fuming.
  3. Funnily enough that scene was the first thing my mind threw out in association with Jane Horrocks/weird fetish.
  4. If you enjoy looking back and laughing, why not have a look at what blithering idiocy people came up with 80 days ago?
  5. I suppose it's good to see the tabloids reporting on current affairs
  6. What's Tommy Wright's head to head record against Mcinnes like? It feels like he had the upper hand before.
  7. It's a good bit drier than the film but is probably the highest profile work in economics this century.
  8. Good on Bolivia. Here's a fairly balanced paper about it. https://cepr.net/images/stories/reports/ecuador-imf-2019.pdf This suggests that the rationale for the funding and its conditions is incoherent at best. You could infer from that that other factors have been taken into account, such as the US antipathy towards correa and his program and consequent support for Moreno.
  9. Good shout, reminds me to go back and watch the rest. I got about 1/3 of the way through and nodded off. No sleight on the film because i'd started watching it at about 1am after a couple of whiskies. I enjoyed the book. Hope they did the usual thing of making the ending more upbeat for the film.
  10. Mine won't drive on dual carriageways or motorways and has no concept of distance, so frequently suggests 50 mile drives to go for a bite to eat. This gets worse, much worse, on holiday, with up to two hours being "not that far".
  11. I decided that this was a better upass of my limited excel skills than paid work, so have worked out the % for people who didn't vote either way (using unweighted numbers) Hanging-35% Passports- 13% Lb oz- 19% Hitting kids-22% Hot lights- 17% Tabs- 24% Old money- 15% I suspect the weighting has had an effect
  12. Right, i read one book (the second or third i think) and couldn't quite pick out where it was in the show, despite recognising lots of bits. I thought the book was ok too, but obviously written with adaptation in mind. There does seem more character to the tv series though.
  13. Not arrogant enough to disparage vocational education though fudflaps.
  14. But there was a "no" option right? It's surprising to me that the support for blue passports, incandescent light bulbs and corporal punishment is so high even amongst leave voters. Capital punishment i could have guessed. The Independent article on this survey does mention that 20% of remoaners were also in favour (although it is silent on their light bulb preferences). I guess that the fact that this was commissioned by the independent and has much more attention grabbing items in it than the public yougov surveys around the same time does strongly suggest that it was carried out and published for the purpose of showing up brexiters as generally backwards. It's done that well, and i for one enjoy laughing at the thickos.
  15. One thing i'll say for the Tories is i can often understand what the hell they are jabbering on about.
  16. For me, there was a sliding doors moment when Gordon Brown shat out of principles with that "bigoted woman" episode. Instead of being all mealy mouthed and giving it the "legitimate concerns" bollocks he should have argued that her concerns were unfounded and she was a petty minded xenophobic old boot. Disappointing lack of national service. Incidentally, on the pounds and ounces thing, if you're ever curious which work colleagues had a misspent youth simply ask how many grammes in an ounce.
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