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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. My winter clothes are my summer clothes plus a coat. A wardrobe is where clothes are kept.
  2. That's what Google did with search isn't it, crowd out the competition and monetise market share. I think that an expectation of future profits is actually quite low on the list for most of the proprietors. They usually just want a big exit or flotation which they can get without ever having got in the black. So long as someone can see a way to monetise their tech or market share the actual entrepreneurs don't have to. HP paid £8bn (eight billion pounds-£8,000,000,000) for Autonomy, which had never made profits. In many ways that might be quite healthy, in that encourages more blue sky innovation and lets people and firms specialise in different parts of product or company life cycles. In many others (ploughing capital into unproductive investment) it isn't healthy.
  3. Not sure that's such an advantage for dealing with returns. Next etc have loads of stockrooms and shopfloors to put returned stuff in and sell it again. To get back into the normal stockflow of the likes of shein stuff would have to go back to warehouses in china. Returns are more likely to be a dead loss for the more stripped down supply chains.
  4. It would be quite inconvenient if you didn't have a passport.
  5. Not the one about drinking tea though. That behaviour would get you on a watchlist these days. Taking it black is a bit weird but leaving the leaves in is wrong
  6. But Brave New World is the one people remember.
  7. The difference between adults and kids is development. Most adults have learned most of what they're going to about social interactions. Most kids are still learning and learning fast. Not socialising won't have a lasting effect on most adults like it will on most kids. Plus the rules where i am don't let kids out to socialise. Not sure how that works for younger kids. Are five year olds supposed to be going alone to meet their pals in the park? Sounds mental.
  8. I have quite enjoyed watching the episodes but it's not one that I keep wanting to go back to as a priority. I find it quite hard to keep track of who everyone is as a fairly casual viewer, which probably doesn't help. Were you saying on the books thread thst you'd read them all? Is the series faithful to the books?
  9. In the same way that salmonella is more enjoyable than ebola?
  10. If they were quarantined the maid wouldn't have been allowed in. They probably had to do their own dishes and everything. One of my colleagues was meant to be in quarantine and got spotted by a colleague walking his dog. He claimed he forgot he wasn't allowed out. He then got spotted cycling by another colleague later that day.
  11. I've a horrible feeling that Romeo and Wlilly's banter is as enjoyable as this is going to get for Dons fans.
  12. Ask IT to remote access everyone's computers and switch their cameras on as well as allowing you to view their screens on demand. Tell them if they don't do things in a row and efficiently they'll be sacked. Make sure they respect the chain of command by using all available titles in your email sign off like this: Xander Green (Team Leader and Assistant to the Manager)
  13. that's not breaking the addiction- that's just a maintenance dose.
  14. try going cold turkey from food. The withdrawal symptoms can be fatal.
  15. In my experience cookery programs are part of the problem. I was quite happy with only a little butter in mashed tatties until Heston Blumenthal came on saying 50% butter was the optimum ratio. I can cook low calorie food perfectly well but Masterchef always has the sauces finished with a nob of butter and tatties rosti instead of boiled. I do appreciate that there are folk that go to the chip shop for every meal because they can't boil an egg, but that's far from the only situation.
  16. I do this where self service isn't an option. Most checkout operators respect the order but there's a significant minority that will reach over a bag of potatoes and pick up a pepper. I don't want to take the risk if i don't have to.
  17. The big benefit of self service for me is getting to pack in the correct order in my own time. Tins at the bottom, bananas on top. My local home bargains doesn't have self service. A couple of months ago i bought a couple of plastic windscreen scrapers and a 4 pack of San Miguel (amongst other things). The woman on the till seemed to think her job was to scan stuff through as fast as possible and fling it down the wee chute thing really really hard. One of the tins impaled on the corner of a scraper and started spraying a fine mist of reasonably priced lager over me and my two kids and an innocent bystander. That wouldn't have happened on self service.
  18. Kit kat and peanut butter makes an excellent substitute for carrot sticks and hummus if you dislike vegetables.
  19. As an ex smoker and current fatty, i would be entirely behind increasing the sugar tax, taxing high fat/ salt foods more and putting warnings things like chocolate bars and crisps. The combined effect of that boy with the tache with cricket ball sized throat tumours and £8 for 20 (plus having a kid) certainly put me off the fags. I think the reason this hasn't happened is more to do with the lobbying power of Mondelez, Unilever, Nestle, Mars et al and less to do with this size acceptance movement/fad.
  20. I'm not putting on a mask. I am clearly and openly seething about your presumptuous condescending attitude. You didn't suggest that though. It wouldn't have been much of an unpopular opinion if you'd said that. Well done for increasing public health outcomes guys. You're great.
  21. Who was asked if maybe they should lose weight? I believe it was fat people who aren't mentally ill should be held accountable. You want to have a serious conversation? You don't start it with a presumption of wrongdoing and a demand for an explanation. But then you don't want a serious conversation do you? You want to be in the right and tell others why their wrong to massage your pathetic little ego.
  22. I don't see why. I can see why it would be beneficial for fewer people to be overweight or more people to be less overweight. Who are they to be held accountable to, and why? I'd expect their medical professionals already hold them accountable, to the point of refusing operations until they've lost weight. My doctor certainly wasn't shy about telling me i was tooi heavy. It all just feels like righteous indignation against a group that you've identified as lacking your wonderful virtue of thin-ness.
  23. It's a risk factor. I haven't been to the Doctor for about 10 years and that was with a sporting injury. I've had 2 days off work sick in that time. There are many risk factors to their own and public health that people contribute to with their lifestyles. Suggesting fat people in particular need to be held to account is samctimonious.
  24. Inadequate sad acts need someone to look down on to feel better about themselves. Sanctimonious twats.
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