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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Any club who has anything to apologise for should apologise for it.
  2. It's a long time since i read it, i'd forgotten that bit. I meant more about them having been friends for years and how it all went. The chain bit if i remember rightly was just Sid being Sid and anyway Nick Kent was a c**t.
  3. Not read many but really enjoyed Rotten: no blacks, no irish, no dogs. It's as subtle as you might imagine and nobody else understands anything apart from the genius Rotten. Especially Malcolm. Apart from not being very self aware, he does seem very honest, especially about being an arse to Glen Matlock for years. Although simultaneously i suspect he made a lot of stuff up. Bits about Sid are quite touching. The best bit was Steve Jones preparing a sandwich, the grotty b*****d.
  4. Happy to be schooled on the history of the Highlands and their fashions. Not something i know a lot about to be honest. I'll try to be more historically accurate with my light hearted quips in future. Incidentally, if i hadn't self-censored and gone with my original angle that it was cultural appropriation from tribes of uncivilised savages, would that have made you madder?
  5. One step at a time. We need to start using ours for football again first.
  6. The only question should be "would an apology help the victims?" if the answer is yes they should get an apology. It's hard to see what might be gained from not apologising unless there are legal procedings ongoing or if clubs are worried about criminal charges. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2016/5/contents
  7. Work by Coprolitess Jr (8), felt tip on paper. Honestly couldn't be more proud.
  8. Lowland Scots wearing kilts falls squarely into the "cultural appropriation" bracket.
  9. Is it as good as the cartoon? Ulysee-ee ee-ee ee-ees, no one else can do the things that you do!
  10. Pittodrie has proper toilets in all stands you know. If you choose to use the surrounding streets that's on you. I do see your point, but i don't think it's that important. If we want families we want players that kids want posters of. No amount of modern facility will get them in otherwise, especially at over £50 a pop for tickets.
  11. I used to go out with a girl who was born in Falkirk and thought it was on the west coast. Thicko.
  12. The age of seats and leg room are undoubtedly two of the biggest factors in the younger generations' leisure choices. An extra 10cm (kenneth please) and a bit of modern ergonomic design would see us at over 20k a game no bother.
  13. Yeh, but the majority in NI also voted to stay in the EU That's a fair point.
  14. We had this lot last time- Plaid and the Lib Dems had a remainer pact so these stood wherever plaid weren't. https://gwlad.org/en/ Right wing brexity independence for Wales. Deposit lost.
  15. I don't particularly care one way or the other about reunification, but it's surely massively anti-democratic that the majority have voted to stay in the UK but are being reunited anyway? It is hilarious that the Tories and unionist have done it though.
  16. The club shouldn't be coming out over-enthusiastic about staying in town. It's clear the council wants them to so they need to play hard to get, make it look like some incentives might help.
  17. In the Lent episode of Father Ted, the three protagonists give up cigarettes, alcohol and rollerblading. Their cravings quickly become so powerful that they start hallucinating the objects of they are deprived in the most unlikely places. Claire Robinson appears to be seing cock in the most unlikely places. It's not hard to join the dots.
  18. Apparently it's an evolutionary thing to help cohesiveness across large groups. Just the fact of exchanging information seems to be important for this, irrespective of whether that information is relevant or useful, never mind interesting.
  19. I waited on his table one time and him and his mates were a bunch of ignorant twats. This doesn't impact on whether he's biased or not but i wanted to get it off my chest.
  20. I'd say it's less that i'm positive about Aberdeen, and more that i think hibs have ample capacity to f**k it.
  21. Film lids on food containers that are also glued to the bottom of the container, so you have to either have a flappy bit or risk removing it.
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