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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. It looks from the outside that McInnes is under more pressure from Cormack than he ever was from Milne. If I'm not mistaken he currently has less time left on his contract than ever before, so any compensation will be going down accordingly. Also Cormack's promised football philosophy seemed like both a public rebuke for continually shitfesting and an instruction. It has looked like McInnes has tried to get more attractive football on the go, with some (limited) success.
  2. I feel sorry for kids today. I used to have tournament wallcharts up and they have convoluted flow diagrams that look like an industrial process.
  3. We're in third and won't be finishing higher any time soon. We might get within 10 of Celtic if they continue current form. There are enough variables with the pandemic and us trying to move house. We don't need to be chucking another in. I favour stability for the moment.
  4. Not one lunch though. I can make out how they're to get 10 puddings (5x fruit, 2x cake, 3x fomage frais). I reckon if the bread has 5 days on it you'd get 3x beans on toast + 2 x cheese on toast (nb- not roasted cheese, heathens) for week one. That leaves some dry pasta and vegetables for week 2. Even vegans would be unhappy with that.
  5. I think Emo was probably the first rock subculture that i was too old to care about recognising. Still not very sure what an emo is or what their music is but your definition helps. I do like Emo Phillips but he's the wrong kind of Emo.
  6. OT strictly, but related, I was speaking to a tax specialist from EY in Greece. Up until very recently where a company was subject to a tax investigation, the company being investigated would have to engage an approved private firm to do it. Firms that found things wrong didn't get a lot of work. Individuals were barely checked at all.
  7. I don't know, i didn't catch her exact role but she's on some local ngo. I can't imagine what the bible belt will be like if thats the eastern seaboard.
  8. Just saw an American lady on the telly state that 30% of healthcare workers im NYC had declined the vaccination. That's nuts. I hope our uptake is a good bit higher.
  9. Out of that list, he's the only one we should even consider We don't need a swap though. We could hold out for a fee to bring in someone else or keep Wright until May.
  10. We haven't firmly established yet that life began on earth. It seems most probable though. There is evidence of life elsewhere (in Venus' clouds). It is just very far from conclusive at this stage.
  11. If the season was ended on a points per game basis now, only one placing would be affected. St Mirren would overtake Kilmarnock and narrowly miss out on their widely forecast top 6 finish. Motherwell are very narrowly behind the SaintEES. Hamilton would once again avoid the flush assuming playoffs are cancelled.
  12. Fully agree your point about not being able to extrapolate from a single sample. Not sure you can be certain that life only started once. The whole absence of evidence not being evidence of absence thing. It's possible that there have been false starts that we haven't seen or have seen and didn't recognise in the fossil record. It's possible that apparent similarities that could indicate a single ancestor (eg cells with neucleic acids coding for protein) are examples of convergent evolution. There might also have been a load of unsuccessful starts since bacteria arose that have just not been able to get a foothold because of the incumbent's success. It also depends hugely on how you define life. If you want to go with a self replication based one, without including things like respiration as a criteria then there are probably more phenomena out there that meet that definition.
  13. It should be technically simple. All the referee needs to do is be able to operate a stopwatch competently. I fear that might be where the plan comes unstuck
  14. "Compensation shall be payable to the former Club of a Player only where the Player concerned is Registered with his new Club at or before the end of the first Season in which the Player concerned reaches, will reach or shall have reached the age of 23." I think this means he has to be registered at his next club before the end of this season for us to be due compensation. The development contribution is only payable where registered before the 23rd birthday, so that ship sailed. On schedule, the season ends in May when the last league game is played. Possible hilarity if he signs a 1 june pre contract and the season gets extended.
  15. Let him sign a pre contract then use him for "strikers' tackle" practice in training for six months.
  16. Thinking = mental gymnastics in Pep world. Enjoy swatting the tripe, that sounds fun.
  17. I think there's been signs of Campbell getting himself more involved and taking more responsibility. Maybe not as much as we'd necessarily like to see but he has come on since the start of the season despite missing much of it. The high press yesterday left the midfield two covering a lot of space and outnumbered against some quality players who were on form. Seems harsh to judge him on not dominating in those circumstances.
  18. In theory, in an ideal world, that sounds reasonable. We don't live in an ideal world though and action is limited by real world political possibilities and reactions. There isn't the consent of the population for that and there isn't the political will to enforce against the wishes of the population. It might have worked last March but there's no way it would now. There have already been protests against the current light restrictions. In practical terms, define "absolutely necessary". At one end, no one can argue that say a bookies is necessary nor that an a&e department is not. But what about, say, road maintenance? If that's ok what about the company that makes the safety gear for the workers? If they also make chefs clothes can they only have one production line going? I'm sure you have a ready made delineation to cover all of economic activity as it is so straightforward?
  19. That's obviously true. But that doesn't mean that we can close everything without any consequences just because we have furlough available. Someone has to make a decision about what the acceptable trade off is between economic and public health consequences of things staying open. It is particularly difficult to judge these where the health effects can lead to economic effects and vice versa. I'm glad i don't have to make that call. That's not to say that the government should be beyond criticism, but to zero in on one single aspect and not consider any context isn't really a valid basis for criticism. It is hard to see why the government wouldn't mandate masks for any shared spaces (with reasonable exclusions). The actual costs would be miniscule. It's a lot harder to see why we should be closing everything that's not 100% safe.
  20. Assuming that 80% of salary is enough for everyone to live on and that it's viable to mothball the business, sure. That's not a very sensible assumption though.
  21. I'm not defending the decision not to mandate masks. I think that's probably quite a sensible thing to do. I'm trying to explain that it's not a simple binary choice where it's 100% safe and nothing else or it's closed. Economics isn't necessarily about enriching capitalists, it is about availability and distribution of resources, including to make sure people can keep a roof over their heads etc. It's perfectly fine in my view to make a decision based on economics. That doesn't mean it is the right decision or made well.
  22. The workplace is less safe without masks, not obviously unsafe (just because it doesn't have masks). It's not a question just of whether it is safe or not but an overview of what the costs and benefits are of it being open. The situation now is different from March as is the level of knowledge about transmission.
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