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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Like the bit about his wife escaping through the window. I'm sure she had no part in it at all.
  2. How does an outdoor sauna work? Surely the draught would let the heat out?
  3. Completely agree with your first sentence (re the article, fucked if i'll spend half an hour listening to that melt) but disagree with your second. I think that it should be possible to report on this sort of thing dispassionately and informatively in a non judgemental way. The facts, and the guys tweets, should be all that's needed to show him in a negative light. The article goes the other way. By saying that he's trying to stop "the dangerous crossings" at the outset it casts it in a humanitarian light. Maybe if they'd started with "anti muslim campaigner Steve" it would be more accurate.
  4. Sorry, the hysterical complaint about a nothing decision gave that impression.
  5. You can't honestly feel hard done by after brown landing on Watkins about 5 minutes after the ball went past and being given a drop ball?
  6. Celtic played better than us and won. We had chances and fucked them. Our defending was appaling for both goals. Celtic's was better but wouldn't have been infallible if we"d been sharper. You'd think Celtic fans would be happy their team played well and not bringing politics into football again the tedious scabies ridden p***ks. Losers in victory again.
  7. Lennon's record will have nothing to do with the final.
  8. That explains the sportscene graphics on premier sports then
  9. That's the last time i listen to any recommendations off this place. Fucking hell.
  10. The koran was written a couple of hundred years after Mohammed and there are no contemporaneous records of him. Much like the new testament and jc. Which i've just realised you probably also think is a historical document. But they're all just stories. Maybe with some historical basis, but still just stories.
  11. By historical fact you mean speculation, myth and probably fiction. Unless you happen to believe muslim "scholars" who have established historical fact mainly from the koran.
  12. Ftfy Good news that we're leaving medieval superstition behind. I expect that most of the younger generation would be less likely than Stewart Lee to be motivated to be rude about Jesus. They'll probably end up satirising Microsoft or something. The bible didn't prophesise anything. It's a collection of books written by people. The only bit i remember with prophecy in it was revelations and i don't remember anything about non-denominational education in Northern Britain. A minister once told me that St John was probably eating hallucinogenic desert plants when he wrote it. It's my favourite bit, love that beast. I guess if you're on about prophecies then you've probably got a version with the apocrypha in it. That's proper middle ages stuff but quite good, sort of a forerunner of MCU.
  13. Do you think people might be more likely to mock their own religion? Maybe due to having been brought up in amongst all the hypocrisy and contradictions and being familiar enough with them and affected enough by them to feel the urge to satirise the bullshit.
  14. Who's been inciting hatred? I don't believe reparations are needed for a couple wee drawings. Don't worry, all the haters will go to hell and you can sit on your cloud feeling smug.
  15. Me too. I don't expect us to win by more than a single goal.
  16. Sometimes i miss the civil service. I needed to get access to a database for one specific team because it was obvious it would save loads of time, cost nothing and cause no data security issues. But you can't just ask. I had to use problem solving processes to "engage stakeholders" in identifying and defining issues, exploring potential "solutions" and eventually costing "solutions" before coming up with a project plan to implement them. My first meeting involved about 30 people, including people travelling for like 5 hours. It took 4 and a half hours for us to successfully define the issue (stage 2 of 8 on the problem solving O). It took 4 months and several more meetings to get access to the database. It could have taken 5 minutes to call the right people. Still, kept me in work.
  17. And for his music? I think @Stormzy has a point to a degree. In isolation saying that women in burkas look like postboxes isn't racist. I mean it's rude and culturally insensitive but not racist. In the context of an unaccountably popular politician with previous for racial smears saying it though the intent is clear and it is terrible behaviour. Yes, that's more like it. Then dipped in vinegar.
  18. It's hard to tell whether they actually want the bbc to be like this or whether it's a ploy to turn the left against it.
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